Atlantis Land A02-RA(Atmos)_ME01 protocols, 10.28.3Example, 10.29.1Syntax, 10.29.2Description

Models: A02-RA(Atmos)_ME01

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provided the protocol type (UDP or TCP) is appropriate. They are also displayed in place of port numbers, when a suitable mapping exists. The Damson interface (described in the ATMOS TCP/IP Functional Specification, DO-007285-PS) allows other processes to query the mapping.

<protocol> should be either UDP or TCP; it can be omitted, but that is not very useful.

For portname read, the file is in the same format as //isfs/services (described in the ATMOS TCP/IP Functional Specification, DO-007285-PS), which is the same as the output from portname list.

The portname command is hidden, not shown by ip help. Configuration saving saves this information.


mymachine> ip portname flush

mymachine> ip portname add someport 105/tcp mymachine> ip portname list

someport 105/TCP

mymachine> ip portname read //isfs/services mymachine> ip portname list

router 520/UDP

snmp 161/UDP

tftp 69/UDP

telnet 23/TCP someport 105/TCP

10.29 protocols




Displays information on the protocols supported by ATMOS TCP/IP. The output will always be the same for a given version of ATMOS TCP/IP.

The protocols command is hidden, not shown by ip help.


mymachine> ip protocols

RAW - IP ID -1, CL protocol

ICMP - IP ID 1, CL protocol

TCP - IP ID 6, CO protocol

UDP - IP ID 17, CL protocol

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Atlantis Land A02-RA(Atmos)_ME01 manual protocols, 10.28.3Example, 10.29.1Syntax, 10.29.2Description, 10.29.3Example