Atlantis Land A02-RA(Atmos)_ME01 tunnel event, tunnel info, list, Description, Example, Syntax

Models: A02-RA(Atmos)_ME01

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9.6.2 Description

Explicitly disconnect a tunnel (the opposite of connect). All data connections across the tunnel are terminated and the control connection is closed.

If the tunnel object is associated with a particular remote PNS (as created with <tunnel> create <ipaddress>), it may be reconnected later, either explicitly with another connect command, or implicitly by PPP requesting to use it.

If the tunnel object is allocated to the listener (as created with <tunnel> create listen), it is freed for use by future incoming connections.

9.6.3 Example

To disconnect Tunnel 1, enter:

pptp 1 disconnect

9.7 <tunnel> event

9.7.1 Syntax

<tunnel> event [<n>]

9.7.2 Description

Read or set the trace output level for a tunnel.

Configuration saving does not save this value. The default event level is 1; only very serious errors are reported.

The Event levels are listed in the table below:






Only very serious errors reported (default)




Definite protocol errors or very significant events reported.




Channels going up/down reported.




Every packet and significant state change is reported.




Every packet sent/received is disassembled, and hex dumped.



9.8 <tunnel> info

9.8.1 Syntax

<tunnel> info [all]

9.8.2 Description

Provide information about the current settings of this tunnel. This includes all configured state, and also current protocol information.

Specifying all prints out more information. info and status are synonyms.

9.9 list

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Atlantis Land A02-RA(Atmos)_ME01 manual tunnel event, tunnel info, list, Description, Example, Syntax