Atlantis Land A02-RA(Atmos)_ME01 manual flush, 10.14 get, help, 10.13.1Syntax, 10.13.2Description

Models: A02-RA(Atmos)_ME01

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10.13 flush


flush <assoc>


Given an association number (see files on page 170) that corresponds to a TCP association, this does a TCP push (see RFC 793), which, roughly speaking, causes the data sent so far to be delivered as quickly as possible to the recipient, without waiting to be buffered with subsequent data.

The flush command is hidden, not shown by ip help; it is of little or no use.

10.14 get


get <file>


Reads and executes commands from a file. The commands in the file are in the same format as those documented in this chapter, with no ip prefix. They can contain comments, introduced by the “#” character.

The get command is hidden, not shown by ip help.


mymachine> ip get //isfs/cmdfile

10.15 help



help <cmd>

help all


Displays a summary of available commands, more detailed information on a particular command, or more detailed information on all commands.

(As described in Summary on page 152, some commands are hidden and are not displayed by help or help all; help is still available on these using the help <cmd> form if you know the name of the command.)


mymachine> ip help

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Atlantis Land A02-RA(Atmos)_ME01 flush, 10.14 get, help, 10.13.1Syntax, 10.13.2Description, 10.14.1Syntax, 10.14.3Example