Atlantis Land A02-RA(Atmos)_ME01 exit, exit, debug, crlf, nocrlf, Syntax, Description, Example

Models: A02-RA(Atmos)_ME01

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2.12.1 Syntax

tell <process> <command>

2.12.2 Description

Sends the command as a TELL message to a specific process. Note that for many processes the tell can be omitted.

2.12.3 Example

mymachine> tell hswctrl portinfo a1

port type vers flags

A1 25Mbps 1QUA mast uni30 ilmi netside tx8khz manconfig

2.13exit, exit!




2.13.2 Description

Exits from application firmware to the boot ROM. Without the exclamation mark, the command works only from the serial interface; with the exclamation mark it works from any console device.

Note - This command is now deprecated and provides no useful output.




2.14.2 Description

Enters the debugger. Only works when issued at the serial interface. (Since the debugger talks to the serial interface, the debug command would be of little use elsewhere.)

2.15crlf, nocrlf




2.15.2 Description

Controls whether line-feed characters written to this console device are output as carriage-return/line-feed pairs (crlf) or just as single line-feed characters (nocrlf).

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Atlantis Land A02-RA(Atmos)_ME01 manual exit, exit, debug, crlf, nocrlf, Syntax, Description, Example