Server Administration
90 4600 Series IP Telephone Release 2.2 LAN Administrator Guide
4630/4630SW Backup/Restore
4630/4630SW users can create an FTP backup file for Speed Dial button labels and unique
option or parameter settings. The associated Option is covered in Chapter 8 of the 4630/
4630SW IP Telephone User Guide. Data is saved in a file called 4630data.txt on a
user-specified server and in a user-specified directory. Unlike the 4620/4620SW settings
indicated in Table8, the 4630/4630SW FTP settings cannot be centrally administered.
In addition to Speed Dial labels and associated phone numbers, a backup saves these options
and non-password parameters:
Setting/Parameter Name Type
Idle Timeout Option
Keyboard Layout Option
Click Feedback Option
Edit Dialing Option
Personalized Ring Option
Redial Option
Go to Phone on Incoming Calls Option
Go to Phone on Originate Option
Call Timer Option
Alphabetize Entries? Option
Call Log Active? Option
Call Log Automatic Archive Option
Directory User ID Parameter
Automatic Backup Option
FTP Server IP Address Parameter
FTP Directory Path Parameter
FTP User ID Parameter
Stock Ticker Active? Option Parameter
Stock Index DJIA Option
Stock Index S&P 500 Option
Stock Index Nasdaq Option
Stock Change Option
Stock Volume Option