IDL Syntax ONEWAY EventsIn(in string vdu_id, in SeqEvent events);
Description This function adds a
Input Parameters
aduid | Agent Data Unit Identifier. |
event | The event information. Each event must include an event name to |
| describe the event. Requests without an event name are rejected. |
Returns No return value. One way requests do not have any returns.
C Program Example
Event *event;
/* Create space for record */
event = vesp_event_create( "Update" );
vesp_event_add_couple( event, "name1", "value1" );
/* Create the new ADU History event entry */
status = Vesp_Request( " ADU.EventsIn", callback, 0x2132, session, aduid, event );
/* release memory we allocated */ vesp_event_delete( event );
IDL Syntax ORBStatus Find( in string search_criteria, in unsigned long scope, out SeqString matches ) ;
Description This method returns a list of ADUIDs that match a simple criterion. The ADUs found may be active in the local ADU Server or in other WAN ADU Servers, depending on the setting in scope.
The criteria can be any expression an Assign method would accept.
The Find method, especially one distributed across the WAN, can take time, as it cannot reply until it receives a response from all the other servers it contacts and combines the lists it receives. A