Chapter 7. Troubleshooting
Drive alert displayed
Touch the drive button showing the alert (Drive 3 in Figure
Figure 7-6 Drive alert displayed.
The Drive Info screen describes the cause of the alert:
Tape Life The tape being used may be at the end of its usable life. If possible, replace the tape and retry the store or restore operation.
Tape Drive Error Rates The alert may be caused by excessive drive error rates. Clean the drive using a Sony
System fault displayed
Touch the System Fault button for information on the cause of the error. If an error code is given, find the error code in Spectra Logic’s online Sense Code Lookup at http://www.spectralogic.com/support/senselookup/index.cfm/fuseaction/ DisplayIndex. Use the suggestion given there to clear the fault.
After clearing the fault, power cycle the library, then verify that the unit comes to a Unit Ready state. If the fault still does not clear, contact Spectra Logic Technical Support for assistance.