Chapter 6. Maintaining the Library
MD S/N Drive information.
Revision Number Used only for diagnostic troubleshooting.
Drive S/N Drive serial number.
SCSI Bus Mode The mode sets the maximum data transfer rate.
Drive Switches Physical DIP switch configuration on the drive; the Emulate 1/2 and Emulate 3/4 settings override the drive switch value.
Switch Override The drive configuration switch setting; confirm that this value matches the values in the Emulate 1/2 and Emulate 3/4 configuration fields.
ECC Screens
The ECC1 and ECC2 screens display
To view the ECC screens:
1.Touch ECC1 on the Barcode screen or ER on the main screen to see the ECC1 screen.
2.From the ECC1 screen, touch ECC2 to see the ECC2 screen.
ECC Fault Check
The ECC fault check is a
•More than 1,024 RAW retries per 1,024 groups written
•More than 11 read retries or 11 C3
The data for this warning is calculated using an average value of 1024 groups (approximately 820 MB) of read or write data.
If the library displays a media warning, the data on the tape should be copied onto a new tape, and the old tape should be discarded.
ECC Fualt Check is off by default. To enable ECC Fault Check:
1.Touch the + symbol to enable the ECC fault check to return an error report to the host, or touch the - symbol to disable error reporting.
2.Touch Save Parms > No; it is not necessary to restart the library for these changes to take effect.