Chapter 6: Authentication Services 83
If you selected Use SSL in Certificate-based Trust Mode, go to step 6.
If you selected Do Not Use SSL or Use SSL in Trust All Mode, go to step 10.
6. The DSView 3 server will try to find a server that has a trusted certificate chain (see System
certificate policy and trust store on page 44). If no trusted certificate chain is found, then the
Accept Certificate window will open and list all servers that belong to the domain. It will also
list the reasons for rejection of the certificate chain.
7. Click Next to accept the certificate.
8. The Specify LDAP User Schema window will open.
a. Type the Base distinguished name (DN) from which to begin searches. This is a required
field unless the Directory Service has been configured to allow anonymous search. Each
Search DN value must be separated by a comma.
b. Type the key attribute. The default value is common name (cn).
c. Type the object class. The default value is person.
d. Type the full name attribute. The default value is surname (sn).
e. Click Next.
9. The Specify LDAP Group Schema window will open.
a. Type the Base distinguished name (DN) from which to begin searches. This is a required
field unless the Directory Service has been configured to allow anonymous search. Each
Search DN value must be separated by a comma.
b. Type the object class. The default value is group.
c. Type the member attribute. The default value is member.
d. Type the username member attribute (only the username, not the full LDAP object DN).
The user’s group membership will be located using this attribute in addition to the
member attribute. This attribute is primarily used with NIS-like schemas.
e. Click Next.
10. The Select Browsing Method window will open.
Click Browse Anonymously to browse users on the external LDAP authentication server.
Click Browse with user credentials to browse users on the external LDAP authentication based
on credentials configured on the server. If this option is selected, do the following:
a. Type a log in ID in the User Name field, in one of two forms: a fully qualified
distinguished name or the username of an account in the base user DN.
b. Type the password for the LDAP user account in the Password field.
c. Click Next.
11. The Establish Connection with Authentication Service window will open briefly. If the
external authentication service is added successfully, the Completed Successful window
will open.