Chapter 18: Using the Video Viewer 245
Appliance Change Of State Viewer Session Stopped
Viewer Session Started Appliance Viewer Session Stopped
Appliance Viewer Session Started
Thumbnail Viewer featuresFigure 18.3 shows the Thumbnail Viewer areas, and descriptions follow in Table 18.4.
Figure 18.3: Thumbnail Viewer
Table 18.4: Thumbnail Viewer Descriptions
Number Description
1Thumbtack: Locks the display of the menu so that it is visible at all times.
2Menu: Allows access to Thumbnail Viewer features. The menu will be in a show/hide state if the
thumbtack has not been used. Place your cursor over the toolbar to display the menu.
3Minimize button: Minimizes the display of the Thumbnail Viewer window into the toolbar at the
bottom of the local computer.