Chapter 8: Adding and Deleting Units 113
b. Click Allow target devices with the same name to be merged into a single target device if
you wish to merge a target device that has multiple connections into a single target device.
c. Under Allow target devices that contain default names to be added for these type of
connections, you may enable one or more connection types. Any target devices that
contain default names in the managed appliance and support the enabled connection type
in the managed appliance will be added to the DSView 3 software database.
This option has no effect when adding a DSI5100 appliance, since default target device
names are not supported. A target device is named when it is added as a BMC port using
the Add IPMI BMC Wizard.
d. Click Next.
7. The Adding Appliances window will open while the selected managed appliances are added to
the DSView 3 software system.
8. The Completed Successful window will open.
9. Click Finish.
Adding a generic appliance or an EVR1500 environmental monitorTo add a single EVR1500 environmental monitor or generic appliance:
1. Click Add in a Units View window. The Add Unit Wizard will open. Click Next.
2. The Select Add Unit Procedure window will open. Click Add a single appliance, then
click Next.
3. The Select Appliance Type window will open. Select EVR1500 or Generic from the product
list, then click Next.
4. A Configure Generic Appliance Settings window will open.
a. Type the name.
b. Type either the address or the fully qualified domain name.
c. Type the Telnet port.
d. Type the web browser URL.
e. Click Next.
5. The Completed Successful window will open.
6. Click Finish.
Adding a target deviceYou may add a target device using the Add Target Device Wizard, which is described in this
section. You may also add a target device using the Attach Target Device Wizard, which is
available from a Units View window that has the topology view enabled. See Topology view on
page 96.
To add a power device, see Power Devices on page 147. To add BMCs, see the DSI5100
Operations for the DSView 3 Software Technical Bulletin, available on the Avocent web site.