10 Managing Units
This chapter describes how to manage unit properties and settings, access rights and local account
settings, and how to view unit asset and usage reports.

Unit Properties

A user with access rights may change the following properties for a unit:
Overview - Specify the type and icon for a target device.
Identity - May be helpful for quickly identifying information about a unit.
Location (site, department and location) - May be helpful for identifying where a unit is. See
Site, Department and Location Groups on page 187.
Contacts - Identify the primary and secondary contacts may be helpful for quickly identifying
the people to notify if an issue or question arises about a particular unit.
Custom fields - Three custom fields are available, in which you may specify any information
you wish. For example, you may wish to define custom fields such as Program Manager,
Building Number and so on. See Custom Fields on page189.
• Notes.
KVM session profile. See Managing KVM session profiles on page 233.
You may specify which properties display in a Units View window by using the Customize link.
See Using the Customize link in windows on page 26.
You may change the overview, location, contacts, custom fields, notes and the DSView 3 server for
one or more units in one operation. This may be helpful when you want to assign the same
properties to several units.
To change overview information for one or more target devices:
1. In a Units View window containing target devices (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 98), click the checkbox next to one or more target devices. To change overview
information for all target devices in the page, click the checkbox to the left of Name at the top
of the list.
2. Click Operations, then select Properties from the drop-down menu.