140 DSView 3 Software Installer/User Guide
authentication servers that reside in the switch. If the authentication fails, the supported DSR
switch will use its internal user tables.
4. Specify a preemption level for the DSR switch (1-4).
5. The Long Name Display Mode is used when cascade switch or target device names contain
more than 15 characters. Select the radio button to specify whether the OSCAR interface will
display the first 15 characters or the last 15 characters.
6. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
To change modem port settings:
NOTE: This procedure is valid for the following managed appliances: DSR1020, 1021, 1022, 1024, 1030, 2020,
2030, 2035, 4020, 4030, 8020, 8030 and 8035 switches.
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 98), click on the DSR switch name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then click Ports and then click
Modems. The Appliance Modem Settings window will open.
3. Select Modem sessions can preempt digital sessions to enable a modem session to disconnect
an existing Ethernet connection to the DSR switch.
4. Type an authentication time-out for the modem in the range of 30-300 seconds.
5. Type an inactivity time-out for the modem connection in the range of 1-60 minutes.
6. Click Save and then click Close. The Units View window will open.
Local Account SettingsThis procedure is valid on KVM switches and serial console appliances that support local accounts.
Local accounts allow a user to log in to a managed appliance locally if it has a server configured as
an authentication server. You may assign the user administrator, appliance administrator or user
level to a local user. See Built-in User Groups on page 37.
You must have Configure Local Accounts rights to add, modify or delete local user accounts. See
About Access Rights on page 129.
To display the Appliance Local User Accounts window:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 98), click on the appliance name.
2. Click Appliance Settings in the side navigation bar and then click Local Accounts. The
Appliance Local User Accounts window will open.
To change access control method for local user accounts:
1. In a Units View window containing appliances (see Accessing Units View windows on
page 98), click on the appliance name.