Appendices 355
Table D.12 lists the VT52 and ANSI auxiliary keypad definitions. Encoding of each listed keypad
key is supported; decoding is not applicable.
VT320 terminal emulationTable D.13 lists the keystroke mapping (encoding) for VT320 terminal emulation.
Erase to end of line Esc K
Table D.12: VT52 ANSI Mode Auxiliary Keypad Definitions
Keys Keypad Numeric Code VT52 Keypad ANSI Keyboard
00Esc ? pEsc O p
11Esc ? qEsc O q
22Esc ? rEsc O r
33Esc ? sEsc O s
44Esc ? tEsc O t
55Esc ? uEsc O u
66Esc ? vEsc O v
77Esc ? wEsc O w
88Esc ? xEsc O x
99Esc ? yEsc O y
- (dash) - (dash) Esc ? m Esc O m
, (comma) , (comma) Esc ? l Esc O l
. (period) . (period) Esc ? n Esc O n
Enter Same as Return key Esc ? m Esc O m
Table D.11: VT52 Decoding (Continued)
VT52 Keyboard Function VT52 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Table D.13: VT320 Encoding
VT320 Keyboard PC Character Sequence VT320 Keyboard Byte Sequence
Escape Key (Esc) Esc 0x1B
F1 F1 Esc O P
F2 F2 Esc O Q