Chapter 9: Synchronizing the DSView 3 Software Database 119
• Appliance cascade switches window - see KVM Switch and Cascade Switch Settings on
page 138
To initiate a name push operation from a Units View window:
1. In a Units View window (see Accessing Units View windows on page98), click the checkboxes
next to one or more units. To select all units on the page, click the checkbox to the left of the
heading at the top of the list.
2. Click Operations, then select Push Names to Appliance from the drop-down menu.
3. The Multiple Unit Operations window will open, containing a link to the Operation Results
window; see Multiple unit operations from a Units View window on page 102.
Manual name pullTable 9.3 describes what occurs when a name pull operation is initiated.
You may initiate a manual name pull from a Units View window and from the following windows:
• Target Devices window - see Target Device Settings on page 135
• Power Device window - see Power Devices on page 147
• Power Device Sockets window - see Power Device Sockets on page 150
• Appliance cascade switches window - see KVM Switch and Cascade Switch Settings on
page 138
Table 9.3: Manual Name Pull Operation Effects
When pull is initiated
for one or more: The effect is
Appliance serial ports The target device name will be pulled from the appliance to update the target device
name in the DSView 3 software database.
Power devices The power device name will be pulled from the appliance to update the power device
name in the DSView 3 software database.
Power device sockets The target device name will be pulled from the appliance to update the target device
name in the DSView 3 software database.
Target devices The target device name will be pulled from the appliance to update the target device
name in the DSView 3 software database.
Cascade switches
The cascade switch name will be pulled from the appliance to update the cascade
switch name in the DSView 3 software database.
If the cascade switch in the DSView 3 software database has multiple appliance
connections to the same appliance (a multiuser cascade switch), the cascade switch
name will be pulled from the appliance connection with the lowest port number to
update the cascade switch in the DSView 3 software database. Multiuser cascade
switches are treated as separate cascade switches by the managed appliance.