Chapter 5: DSView 3 Servers 63
Web browser settings may need to be modified to allow users to automatically log in using
Integrated Windows Authentication; see your web browser documentation.
c. To enable only DSView 3 software clients with IP addresses entered in the Address List to
communicate with managed appliances, check the Restrict by address range checkbox. To
disable address restrictions for logging into the DSView 3 software, uncheck
this checkbox.
3. Click Save to store client session information in the DSView 3 software database on the host.
DSView 3 software modem sessions
For more information about modem sessions, see Active modem sessions on page 161.
NOTE: Modem sessions are available on supported ACS console servers.
To specify modem session properties:
1. Click the System tab.
2. Click DSView Modem Sessions in the side navigation bar. The DSView Server Modem Session
Properties window will open.
3. Specify the following Session Timeout properties:
a. Inactive dial-up session timeout - in the drop-down menu, specify the number of seconds
in the range of 60-3600 after which the session will be terminated. The default value is
120 seconds.
b. Dial-up connection attempt timeout - in the drop-down menu, specify the number of
seconds in the range of 60-600 after which the attempt will be terminated. The default
value is 120 seconds.
c. Dial-back connection attempt timeout - in the drop-down menu, specify the number of
seconds in the range of 60-600 after which the modem will be removed from listening
mode. The default value is 120 seconds.
4. Specify the following Dial Up settings:
a. In the Server Prefix field, type the dial-up prefix for the DSView 3 server to obtain an
outside line. This prefix will be added to the unit phone number.
b. Enter the IP address range to be used in dial-up connections in the From address and To
address fields.
5. Specify the following Dial Back Settings:
a. In the Analog phone number field, type the analog phone number for the appliance to
dial-back to the DSView 3 server. This number will be stored in the DSView 3 software
database and automatically updated on the ACS console server.
b. In the Analog on hook time field, specify the on hook interval in the range of 0-25
seconds. The default value is 4 seconds. The on hook interval is the amount of time after
the initial dial-up connection is dropped before the modems on the DSView 3 server will
receive incoming calls.