Appendices 347
Table D.6 lists the VT100 PF1-PF4 key definitions. Encoding of each listed key is supported; decoding is not applicable.Table D.7 lists the ANSI mode control sequences for VT100 terminal emulation and indicates Avocent encoding/decoding support, where Yes = supported and No = not supported.Table D.6: VT100 PF1-PF4 Key Definitions
Key Code Sequence
F1 Esc [ O P
F2 Esc [ O Q
F3 Esc [ O R
F4 Esc [ O S
Table D.7: VT100 ANSI Mode Control Sequences
Control Sequence Definition Encode/Decode
Esc [ Pn; Pn R Cursor Position Report No/No
Esc [ Pn D Cursor Backward No/Yes
Esc [ Pn B Cursor Down No/Yes
Esc [ Pn C Cursor Forward No/Yes
Esc [ Pn; Pn H Cursor Position No/Yes
Esc [ Pn A Cursor Up No/Yes
Esc [ Pn c Device Attributes No/No
Esc # 8 Scr een Alignment Display No/Yes
Esc # 3 Double Height Line - Top Half No/No
Esc # 4 Double Height Line - Bo ttom Half No/No
Esc # 6 Double Width Line No/No
Esc Z Identify Terminal No/No
Esc = Keypad Application Mode No/No
Esc > Keypad Numeric Mode No/No
Esc [ Ps q Load LEDs No/No
Esc 8 Restore Cursor No/Yes