The main features of the V79 PDI-1 module are sixteen microprocessor-controlled input channels that can be connected with individual ground returns, or a common single-point ground. The input channels provide a flexible, reliable method to detect and report the change-in-state of a circuit. The change can be from infinite resistance (open) to continuity (closed), and vice versa. For example, the change- in-state could be for a set of form C (dry) relays or switch contacts. Any change in the status of individual or multiple inputs may be observed, recorded, reported, analyzed, and acted upon. The level and type of actions desired or required are easily selectable through the PDI-1's configuration menu.

Individual or multiple inputs may be polled for present status or configured to automatically provide an alert message when a change-in-state is observed. Momentary changes in an input's condition can be monitored and "latched" into memory for post-action analysis. The reporting of false, or transient events can be prevented by selection of programmable "debounce times". Input connections to the PDI-1 are made through a standard DC-37F connector.


The primary feature of the PDI-2 series is sixteen microprocessor controlled, optically isolated voltage inputs. The PDI-2A is designed for an input "on" voltage range of 5 to 24 AC or DC volts and the PDI-2B for 100 to 130 AC or DC volts. All inputs have 500V AC or DC electrical isolation from ground. Inputs are not polarity sensitive. Therefore, paired signal inputs can be made using the "return" or "input" terminal as the positive connection.

A mixture of AC and DC inputs can be selected by individual channels. For example, Channel 1 could be a DC input, Channels 2 and 3 AC inputs, Channel 4 a DC input, etc.. Dip switches are provided for selection of low-pass filtering during AC input operation.


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Bay Technical Associates V80 PDI-2 owner manual V79 PDI-1 Module