The Hot Key Table shows the key codes used to defines keystrokes. Please note that these key codes do not necessarily represent key characters that are used on international keyboards. They name a key on a standard
Hot Key Table
For these commands… | …type these characters |
Tilde | TILDE |
Minus | - or MINUS |
Equals | = or EQUALS |
Semicolon | ; |
Apostrophe | ’ |
Less than | < or LESS |
Comma | , |
Period | . |
Slash | / or SLASH |
Backspace | BACK SPACE |
Tab | TAB |
Left bracket | [ |
Right bracket | ] |
Enter | ENTER |
Caps Lock | CAPS LOCK |
Back slash | \ or BACK SLASH |
Left Shift, Shift | LSHIFT or SHIFT |
Right Control | RCTRL |
Right Shift | RSHIFT |
Left Control or Control | LCTRL or CTRL |
Left Alt or Alt | LALT or ALT |
Space Bar | SPACE |
Escape | ESCAPE or ESC |
F1 | F1 |
F2 | F2 |
F3 | F3 |
F4 | F4 |
F5 | F5 |
F6 | F6 |
F7 | F7 |
F8 | F8 |
F9 | F9 |
F10 | F10 |
For these commands… | …type these characters |
F11 | F11 |
F12 | F12 |
Print Screen | PRINTSCREEN |
Scroll Lock | SCROLL LOCK |
Break | BREAK |
Insert | INSERT |
Home | HOME |
Page Up | PAGE UP |
Delete | DELETE |
End | END |
Page Down | PAGE DOWN |
Up arrow | UP |
Left arrow | LEFT |
Down arrow | DOWN |
Right arrow | RIGHT |
Number Lock | NUM LOCK |
0 on number pad | NUMPAD0 |
1 on number pad | NUMPAD1 |
2 on number pad | NUMPAD2 |
3 on number pad | NUMPAD3 |
4 on number pad | NUMPAD4 |
5 on number pad | NUMPAD5 |
6 on number pad | NUMPAD6 |
7 on number pad | NUMPAD7 |
8 on number pad | NUMPAD8 |
9 on number pad | NUMPAD9 |
Addition sign on number pad | NUMPADPLUS or NUMPAD PLUS |
Division sign on number pad | NUMPAD/ |
Multiplication sign on number pad | NUMPADMUL or NUMPAD MUL |
Minus sign on number pad | NUMPADMINUS or NUMPAD MINUS |
Enter on number pad | NUMPADENTER |
Windows | WINDOWS |
Menu | MENU |