Servicing Information
Sanity Timer
Do not remove this strap – pins
Force ZMODEM Software Load
On the rare occasion that during the programming of the FLASH something happens to the bridge/router (power hit or hardware reset), causing the FLASH to become corrupted, the bridge/router will restart in ZMODEM receive mode only. If the bridge/router does not start in ZMODEM receive mode, perform the following steps:
1)power down the bridge/router,
2)open the case,
3)remove the strap from the center set of pins:
4)power up the bridge/router. The bridge/router should now restart and be in ZMODEM receive mode.
Please refer to Appendix E or the Menus Reference Manual for information on how to do software upgrades.
To Clear a “Lost” Password
1)Remove power from the bridge/router.
2)Remove the case cover.
3)Remove the jumper strap on pins
5)Remove power from the bridge/router.
7)Install the case cover
8)Power up the bridge/router.
9)Log into the bridge/router using the default password “BRIDGE” and change the password as desired.