Frequently asked questions: Security
How do I reset my device password if I forget it?
Your BlackBerry device password can't be recovered or changed if you don't enter your current
password correctly. For security reasons, the only way that you can reset your password without
knowing your current password is to delete all of your device data. You can do this by entering an
incorrect device password multiple times.
BlackBerry recommends that you regularly create and save a backup file on your computer.
What content is in my work space and my personal space?
If your administrator turns on BlackBerry Balance technology, the device data, apps, and network
access are separated so that you have a work space and a personal space.
Open work apps appear with a icon on the home screen.
Depending on the rules set by your administrator, some apps and features might be available in your
work space, personal space, or both. The table below describes the default behavior for most apps.
Description Apps
These apps are available only in your work space
and display work data.
BlackBerry Work Drives
BlackBerry World for Work
These apps are available only in your personal
space and display personal data.
Depending on the rules set by your administrator,
you might have access to work contacts in the
Phone, BBM, and text messaging apps.
BlackBerry Protect
BlackBerry Story Maker
BlackBerry World
• Calculator
• Camera
• Clock
• Compass
• Facebook
Media card
• Phone
SIM card
Smart Tags
Text messaging
• Twitter
Passwords and security
User Guide