BBM Video

BBM Video at a glance

Start a BBM Video chat

You can start a BBM Video chat from any BBM chat or from the Phone or Contacts app on your
BlackBerry device. If you try to start a BBM Video chat from the Phone or Contacts app with someone
who isn't a BBM contact, you will be asked to add the person to BBM before you start your BBM Video
In a BBM chat, the Phone app, or the Contacts app, tap .
Accept or decline a BBM Video chat or BBM Voice chat
Tip: Be sure to check if your contact has invited you to a BBM Video chat or a BBM Voice chat before
you accept the invitation.
When you receive a BBM Video chat or BBM Voice chat invitation, the name of the contact appears
in the middle of your screen.
To accept a chat, touch and hold the name and drag it to the bottom of the screen.
To ignore a chat, touch and hold the name and drag it to the top of the screen.
User Guide