Using BlackBerry Screen Reader gestures in the BlackBerry Calendar, Phone app, and BlackBerry
There are specific BlackBerry Screen Reader gestures you can use in the BlackBerry Calendar app.
Task Gesture
Move to the next day, week, or month Swipe to the right with three fingers.
Move to the previous day, week, or month Swipe to the left with three fingers.
There are specific BlackBerry Screen Reader gestures you can use in the Phone app.
Task Gesture
Answer a phone call Double-tap with two fingers on the incoming call
Ignore a phone call Double-tap and hold with two fingers on the
incoming call screen.
Hang up the phone Double-tap and hold with two fingers anywhere on
the device screen.
There is a specific BlackBerry Screen Reader gesture you can use in the BlackBerry Hub.
Task Gesture
Delete the user-friendly form of an email address
from the To or CC fields of messages.
Tap to select the address, then swipe to the left
with three fingers.
Using the BlackBerry Screen Reader on the home screen
When you're on the home screen, you can use these additional BlackBerry Screen Readergestures.
Task Gesture
Switch between the work and personal
Swipe down near the right side of the screen using
three fingers.
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