Serves 6

25 fld oz (750ml) cream
34 cup finely granulated sugar
2 vanilla beans, cut lengthways
1 tablespoon gelatine
1 punnet fresh raspberries
1 tablespoon finely granulated sugar, extra
34 cup strong espresso coffee, cooled
1. Combine the cream, finely granulated sugar and vanilla beans in a
saucepan. Stir over medium heat until just boiling. Remove the vanilla
2. Add the gelatine and stir constantly with a wooden spoon until
dissolved. Remove from heat. Allow the custard to cool.
3. Pour custard evenly into 6 x 5oz (6 x 150ml) glasses. Refrigerate for
minimum 3 hours or until set.
4. Place the raspberries into a medium sized bowl, sprinkle with sugar and
crush lightly with a fork.
5. Fold the cooled coffee through the crushed raspberries. Cover and chill
in the refrigerator.
6. To serve, top the custards, when set, with the raspberries and coffee
7. Serve immediately with freshly brewed coffee.

Makes 4

112 cups mascarpone
114 cups cream
212 tablespoons confectionery sugar
12 cup strong espresso coffee, cooled
12 cup Tia Maria or coffee liqueur
16 sponge fingers
Cocoa powder, for dusting
1. Combine mascarpone, cream and confectionery sugar in a large bowl.
Whisk lightly until soft peaks form. Set aside.
2. Combine coffee and liqueur in bowl. Dip the sponge fingers into the
coffee mixture a few at a time. Ensure all the coffee mixture is absorbed
evenly by the sponge fingers.
3. Layer half the sponge fingers evenly into the base of 4 dessert bowls or
glasses. Spread the layered sponge fingers with half of the cream
mixture. Repeat the layers with remaining sponge fingers and cream
4. Dust evenly with cocoa powder and refrigerate until required.
5. Serve with fresh fruits and freshly brewed espresso coffee.