Fueland its vapors are extremely flammable and explosive.
Fireor explosion can cause severe burns or death.
WhenAdding Fuel
Turnengine off and let engine cool at least 2 minutes before removing the fuel
Fillfuel tank outdoors or in well-ventilated area.
Donot overfill fuel tank . Toallow for expansion of the fuel, do not fill above the
bottomof the fuel tank neck.
Keepfuel away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat, and other ignition
Checkfuel lines, tank, cap, and fittings frequently for cracks or leaks.
Replaceif necessary
Iffuel spills, wait until it evaporates before starting engine.
WhenStarting Engine
Ensurethat spark plug, muffler, fuel cap and air cleaner (if equipped) are in
placeand secured.
Donot crank engine with spark plug removed.
Ifengine floods, set choke (if equipped) to OPEN/RUN position, move throttle
(ifequipped) to FAST position and crank until engine starts.
WhenOperating Equipment
Donot tip engine or equipment at angle which causes fuel to spill.
Donot choke the carburetor to stop engine.
Neverstart or run the engine with the air cleaner assembly (if equipped) or the
airfilter (if equipped) removed.
WhenChanging Oil
Whenyou drain the oil from the top oil fill tube, the fuel tank must be empty or
fuelcan leak out and result in a fire or explosion.
WhenTipping Unit for Maintenance
Whenperforming maintenance that requires the unit to be tipped, the fuel tank
mustbe empty or fuel can leak out and result in a fire or explosion.
WhenTransporting Equipment
Transportwith fuel tank EMPTY or with fuel shut-off valve OFF.
WhenStoring Fuel Or Equipment With Fuel In Tank
Storeaway from furnaces, stoves, water heaters or other appliances that have
pilotlights or other ignition sources because they can ignite fuel vapors.
Startingengine creates sparking.
Sparkingcan ignite nearby flammable gases.
Explosionand fire could result.
Ifthere is natural or LP gas leakage in area, do not start engine.
Donot use pressurized starting fluids because vapors are flammable.
POISONOUSGAS HAZARD. Engine exhaust contains carbon
monoxide,a poisonous gas that could kill you i n minutes. You
CANNOTsee it, smell it, or taste it. Even if you do not smell exhaust
fumes,you could still be exposed to carbon monoxide gas. If you star t
tofeel sick, dizzy, or weak while using this product, shut it off and get
tofresh air RIGHT AWAY.See a doctor. You may have carbon
Operatethis product ONLY outside far away from windows, doors and vents to
reducethe risk of carbon monoxide gas from accumulating and potentially being
drawntowards occupied spaces.
Installbattery--operated carbon monoxide alarms or plug--incarbon monoxide
alarmswith battery back-up according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Smokealarms cannot detect carbon monoxide gas.
DONOT run this product inside homes, garages, basements, crawlspaces,
sheds,or other partially-enclosed spaces even if using fans or opening doors
andwindows for ventilation. Carbon monoxide can quickly build up in these
spacesand can linger for hours, even after this product has shut off.
ALWAYSplace this product downwind and point the engine exhaust away from
Rapidretraction of starter cord (kickback) will pull hand and arm
towardengine faster than you can let go.
Brokenbones, fractures, bruises or sprains could result.
Whenstarting engine, pull the starter cord slowly until resistance is felt and then
pullrapidly to avoid kickback.
Removeall external equipment/engine loads before starting engine.
Direct-coupledequipment components such as, but not limited to, blades,
impellers,pulleys, sprockets, etc., must be securely attached.
Rotatingparts can contact or entangle hands, feet, hair, clothing, or
Traumaticamputation or severe laceration can result.
Operateequipment with guards in place.
Keephands and feet away from rotating parts.
Tieup long hair and remove jewelry.
Donot wear loose-fitting clothing, dangling drawstrings or items that could
Runningengines produce heat. Engine parts, especially muffler,
becomeextremely hot.
Severethermal burns can occur on contact.
Combustibledebris, such as leaves, grass, brush, etc. can catch fire.
Allowmuffler, engine cylinder and fins to cool before touching.
Removeaccumulated debris from muffler area and cylinder area.
Itis a violation of California Public Resource Code, Section 4442, to use or
operatethe engine on any forest-covered, brush-covered, or grass-covered land
unlessthe exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester, as defined in
Section4442, maintained in effective working order. Other states or federal
jurisdictionsmay have similar laws. Contact the original equipment
manufacturer,retailer, or dealer to obtain a spark arrester designed for the
exhaustsystem installed on this engine.
Unintentionalsparking can result in fire or electric shock.
Unintentionalstart-up can result in entanglement, traumatic
amputation,or laceration.
Beforeperforming adjustments or repairs:
Disconnectthe spark plug wire and keep it away from the spark plug.
Disconnectbattery at negative terminal (only engines with electric start.)
Useonly correct tools.
Donot tamper with governor spring, links or other parts to increase engine
Replacementparts must be of the same design and installed in the same
positionas the original parts. Other parts may not perform as well, may damage
theunit, and may result in injury.
Donot strike the flywheel with a hammer or hard object because the flywheel
maylater shatter during operation.
Whentesting for spark:
Useapproved spark plug tester.
Donot check for spark with spark plug removed.
Not for