Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide 103
The authentication model using RADIUS and LDAP 5

Windows 2000 IAS

To configure a Windows 2000 internet authentication service (IAS) server to use VSA to pass the
Admin role to the switch in the dial-in profile, the configuration specifies the Vendor code (1588),
Vendor-assigned attribute number (1), and attribute value (admin), as shown in Figure 13.
FIGURE 13 Windows 2000 VSA configuration

Linux FreeRadius server

For the configuration on a Linux FreeRadius server, define the values outlined in Table 17 in a
vendor dictionary file called dictionary.brocade.
After you have completed the dictionary file, define the role for the user in a configuration file. For
example, to grant the user jsmith the Admin role, you would add the following statement to the
configuration file:
swladmin Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "myPassword"
Brocade-Auth-Role = "admin",
Brocade-AVPairs1 = "HomeLF=70",
Brocade-AVPairs2 =
Brocade-Passwd-ExpiryDate = "11/10/2008",
Brocade-Passwd-WarnPeriod = "30"
TABLE 17 dictionary.brocade file entries
Include Key Value
VENDOR Brocade 1588
ATTRIBUTE Brocade-Auth-Role 1 string Brocade
Brocade-AVPairs1, 2, 3, 4 2, 3, 4, 5 string
Admin Domain or Virtual Fabric member list
Brocade-Passwd-ExpiryDate 6 string MM/DD/YYYY in UTC
Brocade-Passwd-WarnPeriod 7 integer in days