522 Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide
Zeroization functions

Power-up self tests

The power-up self tests (POST) are invoked by powering on the switch in FIPS mode and do not
require any operator intervention. These power-up self tests perform power-on self-tests. If any
KATs fail, the switch goes into a FIPS Error state which reboots the system to start the tests again. If
the switch continues to fail the FIPS POSTs, you will need to boot into single-user mode and perform
a recovery procedure to reset the switch. For more information on this procedure, refer to the
Fabric OS Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Guide.

Conditional tests

These tests are for the random number generators and are executed to verify the randomness of
the random number generator. The conditional tests are executed each time prior to using the
random number provided by the random number generator.
FCSP Challenge
Authentication Protocol
(CHAP) Secret
secAuthSecret –-remove
value | –-all
The secAuthSecret --remove value is used to remove
the specified keys from the database. When the
secAuthSecret command is used with –-remove –-all
option then the entire key database is deleted.
Passwords passwdDefault
fipscfg –-zeroize
This will remove user-defined accounts in addition to
default passwords for the root, admin, and user
default accounts. However only root has permissions
for this command. So securityadmin and admin roles
need to use fipsCfg –-zeroize, which in addition to
removing user accounts and resetting passwords, also
does the complete zerioization of the system.
RADIUS secret aaaConfig –-remove The aaaConfig --remove zeroizes the secret and
deletes a configured server.
RNG seed key No CLI required /dev/urandom is used as the initial source of seed for
RNG. RNG seed key is zeroized on every random
number generation.
SSH RSA private key sshutil delprivkey Key-based SSH authentication is not used for SSH
SSH RSA public key sshutil delpubkeys Key-based SSH authentication is not used for SSH
SSH session key No CLI required This is generated for each SSH session that is
established to and from the host. It automatically
zeroizes on session termination.
Third-party keys secCertUtil delete -fcapall Used to zeroize third-party keys.
TLS authentication key No CLI required Automatically zeroized on session termination.
TLS pre-master secret No CLI required Automatically zeroized on session termination.
TLS private keys secCertUtil delkey -all The command secCertUtil delkey -allis used to zeroize
these keys.
TLS session key No CLI required Automatically zeroized on session termination.
TABLE 102 Zeroization behavior (Continued)
Keys Zeroization CLI Description