Brocade Communications Systems, Incorporated
Document History
Title Publication number Summary of changes Date
About This Document
Section I Standard Features
Chapter 1 Understanding Fibre Channel Services
Chapter 2 Performing Basic Configuration Tasks
Chapter 3 Performing Advanced Configuration Tasks
Chapter 4 Routing Traffic
Chapter 5 Managing User Accounts
Chapter 6 Configuring Protocols
Chapter 7 Configuring Security Policies
Chapter 8 Maintaining the Switch Configuration File
Chapter 9 Installing and Maintaining Firmware
Chapter 10 Managing Virtual Fabrics
Chapter 11 Administering Advanced Zoning
Chapter 12 Traffic Isolation Zoning
Chapter 13 Administering NPIV
Chapter 14 Interoperability for Merged SANs
Chapter 15 Managing Administrative Domains
Section II Licensed Features
Chapter 16 Administering Licensing
Chapter 17 Monitoring Fabric Performance
Chapter 18 Optimizing Fabric Behavior
Chapter 19 Managing Trunking Connections
Chapter 20 Managing Long Distance Fabrics
Chapter 21 Using the FC-FC Routing Service
Appendix A M-EOS Migration Path to Fabric OS
Appendix B Inband Management
Appendix C Port Indexing
Appendix D FIPS Support
About This Document
How this document is organized
Supported hardware and software
Whats new in this document
Document conventions
Text formatting
Command syntax conventions
Notes, cautions, and warnings
Key terms
Notice to the reader
Additional information
Brocade resources
Other industry resources
Getting technical help
Document feedback
Standard Features
Understanding Fibre Channel Services
Fibre Channel services overview
The Management Server
Platform services
Platform services in a Virtual Fabric
Enabling platform services
Management server database
Displaying the management server ACL
Adding a member to the ACL
Deleting a member from the ACL
Management server database
Viewing the contents of the management server database
2. Enter the msPlatShow command.
Example of viewing the contents of the management server platform database
Clearing the management server database
The command msPlClearDB is allowed only in AD0 and AD255.
Topology discovery
Displaying topology discovery status
Enabling topology discovery
Disabling topology discovery
Device login
Principal switch
E_Port login
Fabric login
Port login process
RSCN causes
High availability of daemon processes
TA B L E 1
Performing Basic Configuration Tasks
Fabric OS overview
Fabric OS command line interface
Console sessions using the serial port
Connecting to Fabric OS through the serial port
Telnet or SSH sessions
Rules for Telnet connections
Connecting to Fabric OS using Telnet
Getting help on a command
Password modification
Default account passwords
Changing the default account passwords at login
TA B L E 2
The Ethernet interface on your switch
Virtual Fabrics and the Ethernet interface
Displaying the network interface settings
Static Ethernet addresses
Setting the static addresses for the Ethernet network interface
Setting the static addresses for the chassis IP management interface
DHCP activation
Enabling DHCP
Disabling DHCP
IPv6 autoconfiguration
Setting IPv6 autoconfiguration
Date and time settings
Setting the date and time
Time zone settings
Setting the time zone
Setting the time zone interactively
Network time protocol
Synchronizing the local time with an external source
Domain IDs
Displaying the domain IDs
Setting the domain ID
Switch names
Customizing the switch name
Chassis names
Customizing chassis names
Switch activation and deactivation
Disabling a switch
Enabling a switch
Powering off a Brocade switch
Powering off a Brocade enterprise-class platform
Basic connections
Device connection
Switch connection
Performing Advanced Configuration Tasks
PIDs and PID binding overview
Core PID addressing mode
Fixed addressing mode
10-bit addressing mode
256-area addressing mode
WWN-based PID assignment
Virtual Fabric considerations
Enabling automatic PID assignment
Assigning a static PID
Clearing PID binding
TA B L E 3
Setting port names
Port identification by slot and port number
Port identification by port area ID
Port identification by index
Swapping port area IDs
Port activation and deactivation
Enabling a port
Disabling a port
Setting port speeds
Setting the same speed for all ports on the switch
Blade terminology and compatibility
TA B L E 4
Blade terminology and compatibility 3
TA B L E 4
Term Abbreviation Blade ID (slotshow)
CP blades
Core blades
Port and application blade compatibility
TA B L E 5
TA B L E 6
TA B L E 5
FX8-24 compatibility notes
Enabling and disabling blades
Enabling blades
FA4-18 application blade enabling exceptions
FC4-48 and FC8-48 port blade enabling exceptions
FR4-18i application blade enabling exceptions
Disabling blades
Blade swapping
Swapping blades
Power management
Powering off a port blade
Powering on a port blade
Equipment status
Checking switch operation
Verifying High Availability features (directors and enterprise-class platforms only)
Verifying fabric connectivity
Verifying device connectivity
Track and control switch changes
Enabling the track changes feature
Displaying the status of the track changes feature
Viewing the switch status policy threshold values
Setting the switch status policy threshold values
Audit log configuration
Auditable event classes
Verifying host syslog prior to configuring the audit log
TA B L E 7
Configuring an audit log for specific event classes
Routing Traffic
About this chapter
Routing overview
Path versus route selection
Fibre Channel NAT
Inter-switch links
Buffer credits
Virtual Channels
Gateway links
Configuring a link through a gateway
Inter-chassis links
Supported topologies
TA B L E 8
Chassis 1 Chassis 3
Routing policies
Chassis 2
Displaying the current routing policy
Exchange-based routing
AP route policy
Routing in Virtual Fabrics
Setting the routing policy
Setting up the AP route policy
Route selection
Dynamic Load Sharing
Setting DLS
Static route assignment
Assigning a static route
Removing a static route
Frame order delivery
Forcing in-order frame delivery across topology changes
Restoring out-of-order frame delivery across topology changes
Lossless Dynamic Load Sharing on ports
TA B L E 9
Lossless core
ICL Limitations
Traffic flow limitations
Configuring Lossless Dynamic Load Sharing
Frame Redirection
Creating a frame redirect zone
Deleting a frame redirect zone
Viewing redirect zones
Managing User Accounts
User accounts overview
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
TA B L E 1 0
Role permissions
Table 11 describes the types of permissions that are assigned to roles.
TA B L E 11
TA B L E 1 2
User accounts overview
TA B L E 1 2
User accounts overview 5
The management channel
TA B L E 13
TA B L E 1 2
Local database user accounts
Default accounts
Displaying account information
Creating an account
Local account passwords
Changing the password for the current login account
Changing the password for a different account
Local account database distribution
Distributing the local user database
Accepting distribution of user databases on the local switch
Rejecting distributed user databases on the local switch
Password policies
Password strength policy
Password history policy
Password expiration policy
Account lockout policy
Enabling the admin lockout policy
Unlocking an account
Disabling the admin lockout policy
Denial of service implications
The boot PROM password
Setting the boot PROM password for a switch with a recovery string
Setting the boot PROM password for a director with a recovery string
Setting the boot PROM password for a switch without a recovery string
Setting the boot PROM password for a director without a recovery string
The authentication model using RADIUS and LDAP
TA B L E 15
Setting the switch authentication mode
Fabric OS user accounts
TA B L E 1 5
Fabric OS users on the RADIUS server
TA B L E 16
Windows 2000 IAS
Linux FreeRadius server
TA B L E 1 7
RADIUS configuration with Admin Domains or Virtual Fabrics
The RADIUS server
Configuring RADIUS server support with Linux
Configuring RADIUS server support with Windows 2000
The authentication model using RADIUS and LDAP
LDAP configuration and Microsoft Active Directory
Creating a user
Creating a group
Assigning the group (role) to the user
Adding an Admin Domain or Virtual Fabric list
Adding attributes to the Active Directory Schema
Authentication servers on the switch
Adding a RADIUS or LDAP server to the switch configuration
Enabling and disabling a RADIUS or LDAP server
Deleting a RADIUS or LDAP server from the configuration
Changing a RADIUS or LDAP server configuration
Configuring local authentication as backup
Configuring Protocols
Security protocols
TA B L E 1 8
Secure Copy
TA B L E 19
TA B L E 2 0
TA B L E 1 8
Setting up SCP for configUploads and downloads
Secure Shell protocol
SSH public key authentication
Configuring SSH authentication
Deleting keys on the switch
Secure Sockets Layer protocol
Browser and Java support
SSL configuration overview
Certificate authorities
TA B L E 21
Generating a public and private key
Generating and storing a CSR
Obtaining certificates
Installing a switch certificate
The browser
Checking and installing root certificates on Internet Explorer
Checking and installing root certificates on Mozilla Firefox
Root certificates for the Java Plug-in
Installing a root certificate to the Java Plug-in
Simple Network Management Protocol
SNMP and Virtual Fabrics
Filtering ports
Switch and Chassis context enforcement
The security level
Telnet protocol
Blocking Telnet
Unblocking Telnet
Listener applications
Ports and applications used by switches
TA B L E 2 2
TA B L E 2 3
Port configuration
TA B L E 24
TA B L E 2 3
Configuring Security Policies
ACL policies overview
How the ACL policies are stored
Policy members
ACL policy management
TA B L E 2 5
Displaying ACL policies
Saving changes without activating the policies
Activating policy changes
Deleting an ACL policy
Adding a member to an existing ACL policy
Removing a member from an ACL policy
Aborting unsaved policy changes
FCS policies
FCS policy restrictions
TA B L E 2 6
Ensuring fabric domains share policies
Creating an FCS policy
TA B L E 27
Modifying the order of FCS switches
FCS policy distribution
DCC policies
TA B L E 2 8
DCC policy restrictions
Creating a DCC policy
TA B L E 2 9
Deleting a DCC policy
SCC policies
Creating an SCC policy
TA B L E 3 0
Authentication policy for fabric elements
Switch A Switch B
Key database on switch Local secret A Peer secret B
Key database on switch Local secret B Peer secret A
E_Port authentication
Configuring E_Port authentication
Re-authenticating E_Ports
Device authentication policy
Configuring device authentication
AUTH policy restrictions
Supported HBAs
Authentication protocols
Viewing the current authentication parameter settings for a switch
Setting the authentication protocol
Secret key pairs for DH-CHAP
Viewing the list of secret key pairs in the current switch database
Setting a secret key pair
FCAP configuration overview
Generating the key and CSR for FCAP
Exporting the CSR for FCAP
TA B L E 31
Import CA for FCAP
Importing the FCAP switch certificate
Updating the switch database for FCAP authentication
Starting FCAP authentication
Fabric-wide distribution of the Auth policy
IP Filter policy
Creating an IP Filter policy
Cloning an IP Filter policy
Displaying an IP Filter policy
Saving an IP Filter policy
Activating an IP Filter policy
Deleting an IP Filter policy
IP Filter policy rules
TA B L E 3 2
TA B L E 3 3
TA B L E 3 4
TA B L E 3 2
IP Filter policy enforcement
Adding a rule to an IP Filter policy
Deleting a rule to an IP Filter policy
Aborting an IP Filter transaction
IP Filter policy distribution
Policy database distribution
Policy database distribution 7
Database distribution settings
Displaying the database distribution settings
2. Enter the fddcfg --showall command.
Example shows the database distribution settings
TA B L E 3 5
ACL policy distribution to other switches
Distributing the local ACL policies
Fabric-wide enforcement
Displaying the fabric-wide consistency policy
Setting the fabric-wide consistency policy
TA B L E 37
Notes on joining a switch to the fabric
Matching fabric-wide consistency policies
Non-matching fabric-wide consistency policies
TA B L E 3 8
Management interface security
TA B L E 3 9
TA B L E 4 0
Configuration examples
Endpoint-to-Endpoint Transport or Tunnel
Gateway-to-Gateway Tunnel
IPsec protocols
Security associations
IPsec proposal
Authentication and encryption algorithms
IPsec policies
IPsec traffic selector
IPsec transform
TA B L E 41
IKE policies
Key management
Pre-shared keys
Security certificates
Static Security Associations
Creating the tunnel
Example of an End-to-End Transport Tunnel mode
Maintaining the Switch Configuration File
Configuration settings
Configuration file format
Configuration settings 8
Chassis section
Switch section
Configuration file backup
Uploading a configuration file in interactive mode
Configuration file restoration
TA B L E 4 2
Configuration download without disabling a switch
Restoring a configuration
Configuration file restoration 8
Example of configDownload without Admin Domains
Example of configDownload with Admin Domains
Example of a non-interactive download of all configurations (chassis + switches)
Configurations across a fabric
Downloading a configuration file from one switch to another same model switch
Security considerations
Configuration management for Virtual Fabrics
Uploading a configuration file from a switch with Virtual Fabrics enabled
Restoring logical switch configuration using configDownload
Brocade configuration form
TA B L E 4 3
Installing and Maintaining Firmware
Firmware download process overview
Upgrading and downgrading firmware
Considerations for FICON CUP environments
HA sync state
TA B L E 4 4
Preparing for a firmware download
Connected switches
Finding the switch firmware version
Obtain and decompress firmware
Firmware download on switches
Switch firmware download process overview
Firmware download on an enterprise-class platform
Enterprise-class platform firmware download process overview
Upgrading firmware on enterprise-class platforms (including blades)
Firmware download on an enterprise-class platform 9
Firmware download from a USB device
Enabling USB
Viewing the USB file system
Downloading from USB using the relative path
Downloading from USB using the absolute path
FIPS Support
Public and Private Key Management
Updating the firmwarekey
The firmwareDownload Command
Configuring the switch for signed firmware
Power-on Firmware Checksum Test
Test and restore firmware on switches
Testing a different firmware version on a switch
Test and restore firmware on enterprise-class platforms
Testing different firmware versions on enterprise-class platforms
Validating a firmware download
Validating a firmware download
Managing Virtual Fabrics
Virtual Fabrics overview
Logical switch overview
Default logical switch
Fabric OS Administrators Guide 211 53-1001763-02
Logical switch overview 10
Before enabling Virtual Fabrics After enabling Virtual Fabrics
Before logical switch creation After logical switch creation
Logical switches and fabric IDs
Port assignment in logical switches
Logical switches and connected devices
Logical fabric overview
Logical fabric and ISLs
Logical fabric and ISL sharing
Logical ports
Logical fabric formation
Management model for logical switches
- - - -
Account management and Virtual Fabrics
Supported platforms for Virtual Fabrics
Supported port configurations in the Brocade 5100, 5300, and VA-40FC
Supported port configurations in the Brocade DCX and DCX-4S
Virtual Fabrics interaction with other Fabric OS features
TA B L E 45
Limitations and restrictions of Virtual Fabrics
TA B L E 4 6
Fabric OS feature Virtual Fabrics interaction
TA B L E 47
Platform Maximum number of logical switches
Enabling Virtual Fabrics mode
Disabling Virtual Fabrics mode
Configuring logical switches to use basic configuration values
Creating a logical switch or base switch
Executing a command in a different logical fabric context
Deleting a logical switch
Adding and removing ports on a logical switch
Displaying logical switch configuration
Changing the fabric ID of a logical switch
Changing a logical switch to a base switch
Setting up IP addresses for a Virtual Fabric
Removing an IP address for a Virtual Fabric
Configuring a logical switch to use XISLs
Changing the context to a different logical fabric
Creating a logical fabric using XISLs
Administering Advanced Zoning
Special zones
Zoning overview
Zone types
TA B L E 4 8
Zoning overview
Zone objects
A zone object is any device in a zone, such as:
TA B L E 4 9
Zoning approach Description Recommended approach
Zone aliases
Zone configurations
Zoning enforcement
Identifying the enforced zone type
Considerations for zoning architecture
TA B L E 5 0
Best practices for zoning
Broadcast zones
Broadcast zones and Admin Domains
Broadcast zones and FC-FC routing
High availability considerations with broadcast zones
Loop devices and broadcast zones
Broadcast zones and default zoning
Zone aliases
Creating an alias
Adding members to an alias
Removing members from an alias
Deleting an alias
Viewing an alias in the defined configuration
Zone creation and maintenance
Creating a zone
Adding devices (members) to a zone
Removing devices (members) from a zone
Deleting a zone
Viewing a zone in the defined configuration
Validating a zone
Default zoning mode
Setting the default zoning mode
Viewing the current default zone access mode
Zoning database size
Zoning configurations
Creating a zoning configuration
Adding zones (members) to a zoning configuration
Removing zones (members) from a zone configuration
Enabling a zone configuration
Disabling a zone configuration
Deleting a zone configuration
Clearing changes to a configuration
Viewing all zone configuration information
Viewing selected zone configuration information
Viewing the configuration in the effective zone database
Clearing all zone configurations
Zone object maintenance
Copying a zone object
Deleting a zone object
Renaming a zone object
Zoning configuration management
New switch or fabric additions
- -
Security and zoning
Zone merging scenarios
Table 51 provides information on merging zones and the expected results.
TA B L E 51
Zone merging scenarios 11
TA B L E 51
Traffic Isolation Zoning
Traffic Isolation Zoning overview
TI zone failover
Additional considerations when disabling failover
TA B L E 5 2
FSPF routing rules and traffic isolation
Enhanced TI zones
Traffic Isolation Zoning over FC routers
TI within an edge fabric
TI within a backbone fabric
Limitations of TI zones over FC routers
General rules for TI zones
Supported configurations for Traffic Isolation Zoning
Additional configuration rules for enhanced TI zones
Trunking with TI zones
Limitations and restrictions of Traffic Isolation Zoning
Admin Domain considerations for Traffic Isolation Zoning
Virtual Fabric considerations for Traffic Isolation Zoning
Virtual Fabric considerations for Traffic Isolation Zoning
Traffic Isolation Zoning over FC routers with Virtual Fabrics
Creating a TI zone
Creating a TI zone in a base fabric
Modifying TI zones
Changing the state of a TI zone
Deleting a TI zone
Displaying TI zones
Setting up TI over FCR (sample procedure)
b. Enter the following commands to create and display a TI zone:
Setting up TI over FCR (sample procedure)
Administering NPIV
NPIV overview
Upgrade considerations
Fixed addressing mode
10-bit addressing mode
TA B L E 5 3
Configuring NPIV
TA B L E 5 3
Enabling and disabling NPIV
Viewing NPIV port configuration information
Viewing NPIV port configuration information 13
Viewing NPIV port configuration information
Viewing virtual PID login information
Interoperability for Merged SANs
Interoperability overview
Connectivity solutions
Domain ID offset modes
TA B L E 5 4
TA B L E 5 5
Configuring the Domain_ID offset
McDATA Fabric mode configuration restrictions
McDATA Open Fabric mode configuration restrictions
Interoperability support for logical switches
Switch configurations for interoperability
Enabling McDATA Open Fabric mode
Enabling McDATA Fabric mode
Enabling Brocade Native mode
Zone management in interoperable fabrics
Zoning restrictions
Zone name restrictions
Zoning modes
Default zoning mode
Safe zoning mode
Setting the safe zone mode on a stand-alone switch
Setting the safe zone mode fabric-wide
Disabling safe zone mode
Effective zone configuration
Saving the effective zone configuration to the Defined Database
Frame Redirection in interoperable fabrics
Traffic Isolation zones in interoperable fabrics
Brocade SANtegrity implementation in mixed fabric SANS
Fabric OS Layer 2 Fabric Binding
E_Port authentication between Fabric OS and M-EOS switches
TA B L E 5 6
TA B L E 5 7
TA B L E 5 8
Table 59 describes the device authentication mode.
Switch authentication policy
Switch authentication policy when the switch secrets are correct
TA B L E 5 9
Fabric OS authentication mode
M-EOS support M-EOS switch explanation
Authentication policy when the secrets are not correct
TA B L E 61
Fabric OS Passive Active On Off
TA B L E 6 2
Dumb switch authentication
TA B L E 6 3
Authentication of EX_Port, VE_Port, and VEX_Port connections
Authentication of VE_Port-to-VE_Port connections
TA B L E 6 4
Fabric OS switch VE_ to VE_Port
Passive Active On Off
TA B L E 6 4
Passive Active On Off
Fabric OS switch VE_ to VE_Port
TA B L E 6 5
Authentication of VEX_Port-to-VE_Port connections
TA B L E 6 5
FCR SANtegrity 14
TA B L E 6 6
TA B L E 6 7
FCR SANtegrity
Fabric Binding behavior in a mixed fabric
Configuring the preferred domain ID and the insistent domain ID
FICON implementation in a mixed fabric
Fabric OS version change restrictions in an interoperable environment
Coordinated Hot Code Load
Bypassing the Coordinated HCL check on firmware download
Coordinated HCL on switches firmware downloads
Upgrade and downgrade considerations for HCL for interoperability
McDATA-aware features
TA B L E 6 8
McDATA-unaware features
Table 70 describes a comprehensive matrix of feature support.
McDATA-unaware features
TA B L E 6 8
Feature Behavior
TA B L E 6 9
Feature Support
TA B L E 7 0
Feature Support Notes
M-EOS feature limitations in mixed fabrics
TA B L E 7 0
Supported hardware in an interoperable environment
Supported hardware in an interoperable environment
TA B L E 71
McDATA Open Fabric and Fabric mode
Supported features in an interoperable environment 14
Supported features in an interoperable environment
Table 72 shows the interoperability features supported in Fabric OS v6.2.0, v6.3.0, and v6.4.0.
TA B L E 71
Supported features in an interoperable environment
TA B L E 7 2
Supported features in an interoperable environment 14
TA B L E 7 2
Unsupported features in an interoperable environment
Managing Administrative Domains
Administrative Domains overview
Admin Domain features
Requirements for Admin Domains
Admin Domain access levels
User-defined Administrative Domains
System-defined Administrative Domains
TA B L E 7 3
Admin Domains and login
Admin Domain member types
Device members
Switch port members
Admin Domains and switch WWN
Fabric Visible to AD3 User
Fabric Visible to AD4 User
Admin Domain compatibility, availability, and merging
Admin Domain management for physical fabric administrators
Setting the default zoning mode for Admin Domains
Creating an Admin Domain
User assignments to Admin Domains
Creating a new user account for managing Admin Domains
Assigning Admin Domains to an existing user account
Creating a physical fabric administrator user account
Removing an Admin Domain from a user account
Activating an Admin Domain
Deactivating an Admin Domain
Adding members to an existing Admin Domain
Removing members from an Admin Domain
Renaming an Admin Domain
Deleting an Admin Domain
Deleting all user-defined Admin Domains
Deleting all user-defined Admin Domains non-disruptively
Admin Domain management for physical fabric administrators
Admin Domain management for physical fabric administrators 15
Validating an Admin Domain member list
SAN management with Admin Domains
CLI commands in an AD context
Executing a command in a different AD context
TA B L E 7 4
Displaying an Admin Domain configuration
Switching to a different Admin Domain context
Admin Domain interactions with other Fabric OS features
TA B L E 7 5
SAN management with Admin Domains
Admin Domains, zones, and zone databases
TA B L E 7 5
Fabric OS feature Admin Domain interaction
- -
Admin Domains and LSAN zones
Configuration upload and download in an AD context
TA B L E 76
Licensed Features
Administering Licensing
Licensing overview
TA B L E 77
Licensing overview 16
TA B L E 7 7
TA B L E 7 8
TA B L E 77
Licensing overview 16
TA B L E 7 8
The Brocade 7800 Upgrade license
ICL licensing
ICL 16-link license
ICL 8-link license
TA B L E 7 9
8G licensing
Slot-based licensing
Upgrade/downgrade considerations
Adding a license to a slot
Removing a license from a slot
Time-based licenses
Configupload and download considerations
Expired licenses
Removing an expired license
Universal Time-based licenses
Universal Time-based license expiration date
Extending a license
Deleting a license
Date change restriction
Viewing installed licenses
Activating a license
Adding a licensed feature
Removing a licensed feature
Ports on Demand
TA B L E 8 0
Activating Ports on Demand
Dynamic Ports on Demand
Displaying the port license assignments
Enabling Dynamic Ports on Demand
Disabling Dynamic Ports on Demand
Reserving a port license
Releasing a port from a POD set
Monitoring Fabric Performance
Advanced Performance Monitoring overview
Types of monitors
Virtual Fabrics considerations for Advanced Performance Monitoring
TA B L E 81
TA B L E 8 2
End-to-end performance monitoring
End-to-end monitors
Adding end-to-end monitors
Setting a mask for an end-to-end monitor
Deleting end-to-end monitors
Frame monitoring
TA B L E 8 3
Creating frame types to be monitored
TA B LE 8 4
Deleting frame types
Adding frame monitors to a port
Removing frame monitors from a port
Saving frame monitor configuration
Displaying frame monitors
Clearing frame monitor counters
ISL performance monitoring
Top Talker monitors
Adding a Top Talker monitor on an F_Port
Adding Top Talker monitors on all switches in the fabric (fabric mode)
Displaying the top
bandwidth-using flows on an F_Port
Displaying top talking flows for a given domain ID (fabric mode)
Deleting a Top Talker monitor on an F_Port
Deleting the fabric mode Top Talker monitors
Limitations of Top Talker monitors
Trunk monitoring
Displaying end-to-end and ISL monitor counters
Clearing end-to-end and ISL monitor counters
Example of displaying EE monitors on a port
Example of displaying ISL monitor information on a port
Clearing end-to-end and ISL monitor counters
3. Enter the perfmonitorclear command.
The following example clears statistics counters for an end-to-end monitor:
The following example clears statistics counters for an ISL monitor:
Saving and restoring monitor configurations
Performance data collection
Optimizing Fabric Behavior
Adaptive Networking overview
Ingress Rate Limiting
Limiting traffic from a particular device
Disabling ingress rate limiting
QoS: SID/DID traffic prioritization
TA B L E 85
License requirements for traffic prioritization
Trunking considerations before you install the Adaptive Networking license
Manually disabling QoS on 8 Gbps ports
QoS zones
QoS on E_Ports
QoS over FC routers
Virtual Fabric considerations for traffic prioritization
High availability considerations for traffic prioritization
Supported configurations for traffic prioritization
Upgrade considerations for traffic prioritization
Manually enabling QoS on 4 Gbps ports and long-distance 8 Gbps ports after upgrade
Limitations and restrictions for traffic prioritization
Setting traffic prioritization
Setting traffic prioritization over FC routers
Disabling QoS
Bottleneck detection
Supported configurations for bottleneck detection
How bottlenecks are reported
Limitations of bottleneck detection
High availability considerations for bottleneck detection
Upgrade and downgrade considerations for bottleneck detection
Trunking considerations for bottleneck detection
Virtual Fabrics considerations for bottleneck detection
Access Gateway considerations for bottleneck detection
Enabling bottleneck detection on a switch
Excluding a port from bottleneck detection
Displaying bottleneck detection configuration details
Changing bottleneck alert parameters
Displaying bottleneck statistics
Disabling bottleneck detection on a switch
Managing Trunking Connections
Trunking overview
Criteria for managing trunking connections
Supported hardware
Recommendations for trunking groups
Basic trunk group configuration
Re-initializing ports for trunking
Enabling Trunking on a port
Enabling Trunking on a switch
Displaying trunking information
Trunking over long distance fabrics
TA B L E 8 6
F_Port trunking
Prerequisites for F_Port trunking
TA B L E 87
Enabling F_Port trunking
Disabling F_Port trunking
F_Port trunking in Virtual Fabrics
F_Port trunking considerations for Virtual Fabrics
F_Port masterless trunking
TA B L E 8 8
F_Port masterless trunking considerations
TA B L E 8 9
F_Port masterless trunking
TA B L E 8 9
Category Description
F_Port masterless trunking 19
Assigning a Trunk Area
TA B L E 8 9
Category Description
TA B LE 9 0
Enabling the DCC policy on a Trunk Area
Managing Long Distance Fabrics
Long distance fabrics overview
Extended Fabrics device limitations
Long distance link modes
Configuring an extended ISL
Enabling long distance when connecting to TDM devices
Buffer credit management
Buffer-to-Buffer flow control
Optimal buffer credit allocation
Considerations for calculating buffer credits
- - -
Fibre Channel gigabit values reference definition
Allocating buffer credits based on full-size frames
TA B L E 91
Allocating buffer credits based on average-size frames
Allocating buffer credits for F_Ports
Displaying the remaining buffers in a port group
Buffer credits for each switch model
TA B L E 9 2
Buffer credit management
Maximum configurable distances for Extended Fabrics
TA B L E 9 3
Buffer credit recovery
Using the FC-FC Routing Service
FC-FC routing service overview
Supported platforms for Fibre Channel routing
Supported configurations
Integrated Routing
Fibre Channel routing concepts
Proxy devices
Routing types
Phantom domains
Setting up the FC-FC routing service
Verifying the setup for FC-FC routing
Backbone fabric IDs
Assigning backbone fabric IDs
FCIP tunnel configuration
Inter-fabric link configuration
Configuring an IFL for both edge and backbone connections
Inter-fabric link configuration
FC Router port cost configuration 21
FC Router port cost configuration
Port cost considerations
Setting router port cost for an EX_Port
EX_Port frame trunking configuration
Masterless EX_Port trunking
Supported configurations and platforms
TA B L E 9 4
High availability support
Backward compatibility support
Configuring EX_Port frame trunking
Displaying EX_Port trunking information
LSAN zone configuration
Use of Admin Domains with LSAN zones and FCR
Zone definition and naming
LSAN zones and fabric-to-fabric communications
Controlling device communication with the LSAN
Setting the maximum LSAN count
Configuring backbone fabrics for interconnectivity
HA and downgrade considerations for LSAN zones
LSAN zone policies using LSAN tagging
Speed tag
Rules for LSAN tagging
Configuring an Enforce LSAN tag
Configuring a Speed LSAN tag
Removing an LSAN tag
Displaying the LSAN tag configuration
LSAN zone binding
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How LSAN zone binding works
FC router matrix definition
LSAN fabric matrix definition
Setting up LSAN zone binding
Viewing the LSAN zone binding matrixes
Proxy PID configuration
Fabric parameter considerations
Inter-fabric broadcast frames
Displaying the current broadcast configuration
Enabling broadcast frame forwarding
Disabling broadcast frame forwarding
Resource monitoring
FC-FC Routing and Virtual Fabrics
Logical switch configuration for FC routing
FC-FC Routing and Virtual Fabrics
Backbone-to-edge routing with Virtual Fabrics
Upgrade and downgrade considerations for FC-FC routing
How replacing port blades affects EX_Port configuration
Displaying the range of output ports connected to xlate domains
M-EOS Migration Path to Fabric OS
M-EOS fabrics overview
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McDATA Mi10K interoperability
Fabric configurations for interconnectivity
Connectivity modes
Configuring the FC router
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Configuring LSAN zones in the M-EOS fabric
Correcting errors if LSAN devices appear in only one of the fabrics
Completing the configuration
Fabric configurations for interconnectivity
Inband Management
Inband Management overview
Internal Ethernet devices
IP address and routing management
Setting the IP address for the 7500s
Setting the IP address for the CP Inband Management interface
Setting the IP address for the GE Inband Management interface
Adding an Inband Management route on the CP
Deleting an Inband Management route
Viewing Inband Management IP addresses and routes
Viewing Inband Management IP routes
Examples of supported configurations
Configuring a Management Station on the same subnet
Configuring a Management Station on different subnets
Port Indexing
Port indexing on the Brocade 48000 director
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Port indexing on the Brocade DCX backbone C
Port indexing on the Brocade DCX backbone
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Port indexing on the Brocade DCX backbone
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Port indexing on the Brocade DCX-4S backbone C
Port indexing on the Brocade DCX-4S backbone
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Port indexing on the Brocade DCX-4S backbone
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Port on blade Slot 1 Index/PID Slot 2 Index/PID Slot 7 Index/PID Slot 8 Index/PID
Port indexing on the Brocade DCX-4S backbone C
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Port on blade Slot 1 Index/PID Slot 2 Index/PID Slot 7 Index/PID Slot 8 Index/PID
FIPS Support
FIPS overview
Zeroization functions
Power-up self tests
Conditional tests
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FIPS mode configuration
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FIPS mode configuration
LDAP in FIPS mode
Setting up LDAP for FIPS mode
Example of setting up LDAP for FIPS mode
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FIPS mode non-FIPS mode
LDAP certificates for FIPS mode
Importing an LDAP switch certificate
Exporting an LDAP switch certificate
Deleting an LDAP switch certificate
Preparing the switch for FIPS
Overview of steps
Enabling FIPS mode
Disabling FIPS mode
Hexadecimal overview
Example conversion of the hexadecimal triplet Ox616000
Hexadecimal overview
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Hexadecimal overview E