348 Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide
Admin Domain management for physical fabric administrators

Removing an Admin Domain from a user account

When you remove an Admin Domain from an account, all of the currently active sessions for that
account are logged out.
1. Connect to the switch and log in using an account assigned to the admin role.
2. Enter the userconfig --deletead command:
userconfig --deletead username [-h admindomain_ID] [-a admindomain_ID_list]
If the –h argument is not specified, the home Admin Domain either remains as it was or
becomes the lowest Admin Domain ID in the remaining list.
switch:admin> userconfig --deletead adm1 -a "green_ad2"
Broadcast message from root (pts/0) Wed Jan 27 20:57:14 2010...
Security Policy, Password or Account Attribute Change: adm1 will be logged out
Ads for account adm1 has been successfully deleted.

Activating an Admin Domain

An Admin Domain can be in either an active or inactive state. When you create an Admin Domain, it
is automatically in the active state.
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. Switch to the AD255 context, if you are not already in that context.
ad --select 255
3. Enter the ad --activate option. The activate option prompts for confirmation.
ad --activate ad_id
By default, after the Admin Domain is activated, the devices specified under that AD are not
able to see each other until they are zoned together.
4. Enter the appropriate command based on whether you want to save or activate the Admin
Domain definition:
To save the Admin Domain definition, enter ad --save.
To save the Admin Domain definition and directly apply the definition to the fabric, enter ad
The following example activates Admin Domain AD_B5.
switch:AD255:admin> ad --activate AD_B5
You are about to activate a new admin domain.
Do you want to activate ’AD_B5’ admin domain (yes, y, no, n): [no]: y