Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide 421
Changing bottleneck alert parameters 18
The alert parameters include whether alerts are sent and the threshold, time, and quiet time
For a trunk, you can change the alert parameters only on the master port only.
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. Enter the bottleneckmon --config command to set the alert option and specify new threshold
Enter the bottleneckmon --configclear command to remove any port-specific alert parameters
and revert to the switch-wide parameters.
The following example disables alerts on port 1, excludes ports 2, 3, and 4 from bottleneck
monitoring, and changes the alert settings on ports 2 and 3. The bottleneck --status command
shows the settings for these ports. Note that this example changes the alert settings on ports 2
and 3, even though they are excluded from bottleneck detection.
switch:admin> bottleneckmon --config -noalert 1
switch:admin> bottleneckmon --exclude 2-4
switch:admin> bottleneckmon --config -alert -lthresh .99 -cthresh .9 -time
4000 -qtime 600 2-3
switch:admin> bottleneckmon --status
Bottleneck detection - Enabled
Switch-wide alerting parameters:
Alerts - Yes
Latency threshold for alert - 0.100
Congestion threshold for alert - 0.800
Averaging time for alert - 300 seconds
Quiet time for alert - 300 seconds
Per-port overrides for alert parameters:
Slot Port Alerts? LatencyThresh CongestionThresh Time(s) QTime(s)
0 1 N -- -- -- --
0 2 Y 0.990 0.900 4000 600
0 3 Y 0.990 0.900 4000 600
Excluded ports:
The following example changes alert settings for the entire logical switch.
switch:admin> bottleneckmon --config -alert -lthresh .97 -cthresh .8 -time
switch:admin> bottleneckmon --status
Bottleneck detection - Enabled