Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide 351
Admin Domain management for physical fabric administrators 15
3. Enter the ad --rename command with the present name and the new name.
ad --rename present_name new_name
4. Enter the appropriate command based on whether you want to save or activate the Admin
Domain definition:
To save the Admin Domain definition, enter ad --save.
To save the Admin Domain definition and directly apply the definition to the fabric, enter ad
The Admin Domain numbers remain unchanged after the operation.
The following example changes the name of Admin Domain Eng_AD to Eng_AD2.
switch:AD255:admin> ad --rename Eng_AD Eng_AD2

Deleting an Admin Domain

When you delete an Admin Domain, its devices no longer have access to the members of the zones
with which it was associated.
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. Switch to the Admin Domain that you want to delete.
ad --select ad_id
3. Enter the appropriate command to clear the zone database under the Admin Domain you want
to delete.
To remove the effective configuration, enter cfgdisable.
To remove the defined configuration, enter cfgclear.
To save the changes to nonvolatile memory, enter cfgsave.
4. Switch to the AD255 context.
ad --select 255
5. Enter the ad --delete command.
ad --delete ad_id
The ad --delete command prompts you for confirmation before triggering the deletion. The
command succeeds whether the Admin Domain is in an activated or deactivated state.
6. Enter the ad --apply command to save the Admin Domain definition and directly apply the
definition to the fabric.
The following example deletes Admin Domain AD_B3.
switch:AD255:admin> ad --delete AD_B3
You are about to delete an AD.
This operation will fail if zone configuration exists in the AD
Do you want to delete ’AD_B3’ admin domain (yes, y, no, n): [no] y