Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide 389
Frame monitoring 17

Frame monitoring

Frame monitoring counts the number of times a frame with a particular pattern is transmitted by a
port and generates alerts when thresholds are crossed. Frame monitoring is achieved by defining a
filter, or frame type, for a particular purpose. The frame type can be a standard type (for example, a
SCSI read command filter that counts the number of SCSI read commands that have been
transmitted by the port) or a user-defined frame type customized for your particular use. For a
complete list of the standard, pre-defined frame types, see the fmConfig command description in
the Fabric OS Command Reference.
The Advanced Performance Monitoring license is required to use the fmConfig command. The
monitoring functionality, however, also requires the Fabric Watch license. When you configure
actions and alerts through the fmConfig command, Fabric Watch uses these values and generates
alerts based on the configuration. If you do not have a Fabric Watch license, these values are
ignored. See the Fabric Watch Administrator’s Guide for more information about using Fabric Watch.
The maximum number of frame monitors and offsets per port depends on the platform. Table 83
shows the maximum number of frame monitors, in any combination of standard and user-defined
frame types, and the maximum number of offsets per port.
The actual number of frame monitors that can be configured on a port depends on the complexity
of the frame types. For trunked ports, the frame monitor is configured on the trunk master.
Virtual Fabrics considerations: Frame monitors are not supported on logical ISLs (LISLs), but are
supported on ISLs and extended ISLs (XISLs).
This section describes frame monitoring using the fmConfig command. This command enhances
and replaces the following legacy commands:
TABLE 83 Maximum number of frame monitors and offsets per port
Platform Max number of frame monitors per port Max number of offsets per port
Brocade 300, 5300, 5410, 5424, 5450,
5480, and 7800
Brocade 4100, 4900, 7500, 7500E, and
12 16
Brocade 5000, 5100, 8000, VA-40FC, DCX,
DCX-4S, and Brocade Encryption Switch
12 20
Brocade 4800 (all blades except FC4-48) 12 16
Brocade 48000 (FC4-48 blade):
Lower 16 ports (0 through 15)
Middle 16 ports (16 through 31)
Upper 16 ports (32 through 47)