Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide 539
extended fabrics
about, 441
buffer credit management, 445
buffer credit recovery, 453
buffer requirement calculation, 447
buffer-to-buffer credits, 445
device limitations, 442
extended ISLs, 443
F_Port buffer credits, 450
ISL, 446
long-distance mode, 447
port buffer credit, 446
QoS buffer credit requirements, 453
time-division multiplexing, 444
extended ISL, 216


F_Port, 11
parameters, 66
fabric access, 131
fabric addresses, 35
fabric connectivity, 55
Fabric controller, 3
fabric interoperability
activating zones on stand-alone switch, 308
DH-CHAP, 312
Fabric OS switch settings, 313
license keys, 311
M-EOS switch settings, 313
policy for dumb switch, 316
switch modes, 312
switch policy, 313
effective zone configuration, 309
fabric binding, translate domains, 322
feature limitations, trunking, 329
mapping, mode values, 323
McDATA-aware features, 325
preferred domain ID, configuring, 323
FCR, 322
preferred domain ID, 322
traffic isolation zones, 310
zone name restrictions, 307
zones, activating on stand-alone switch, 308
zoning restrictions, 307
Fabric Login, 10
Fabric Login server, 3
Fabric OS
supported protocols, 117, 118
Fabric Wide Consistency Policy, 466
FC router, 143
FC routing
concepts, 457
supported platforms, 456
FC routing types, 461
FCAP, 144
FC-FC Routing, 143
FC-FC Routing and Virtual Fabrics, 492
FC-FC routing service, 455
FCIP link, 498
FCR and traffic isolation, 273
FCS policy modifying, 137
feature licenses, 365
Fibre Channel NAT, 65
Fibre Channel over IP, 467
Fibre Channel protocol auto discovery process, 12
Fibre Channel routing, 457
Fibre Channel services, 3
certificates, installing, 526
firmwareDownload, 201
Inband Management, 509
LDAP certificates, displaying and deleting, 526
firmware download, 190
auto-leveling, 205
connected switches, 192
enterprise-class platforms, 196
FICUN CUP considerations, 191
FIPS, 201
high availability synchronization, 191
obtaining firmware, 193
process overview, 194
protocol, FTP and SCP, 189
switches, 193
test and restore on enterprise-class platforms, 204
test and restore on switches, 203
testing different firmware versions, 205
USB device, 200
validating, 207
verify progress, 190
FL_Port, 11