300 Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide
Domain ID offset modes

For instructions to convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal, refer to Appendix E, “Hexadecimal”.
When changing from IM3 with a 239 Domain ID configuration to IM2, you must first reconfigure the
domain ID offset to a value supported in IM2 or IM3 or the operation fails.
Following are the configurable domain ID offset modes:
Domain ID default mode (McDATA Legacy domain ID mode) — In this mode, a default offset of
0x60 (96) is used. The default mode is used when you enable IM2 or IM3 without specifying a
Domain ID offset.
In IM 2: You only need to enter a decimal number in the 1-31 range when configuring a Domain
ID in default mode.
In IM 3: The Domain ID is always in the range of 97-127, or 1-31 plus the default Domain ID
Offset of 0x60 (96). For example, the Domain ID of 5 would be configured as 101 (101 - 96=
TABLE 54 Internal representations of ID domain offsets in IM2.
Domain Offset Domain ID PID Area affected
0x00 0x01 01XXYY
0x20 0x21 21XXYY
0x40 0x41 41XXYY
0x60 0x01 61XXYY
0x80 0x81 81XXYY
0xA0 0xA1 A1XXYY
0xC0 0xC1 C1XXYY
TABLE 55 Internal representations of ID domain offsets in IM3.
Domain Offset Domain ID PID Area affected
0x00 0x01 01XXYY
0x20 0x21 21XXYY
0x40 0x41 41XXYY
0x60 0x61 61XXYY
0x80 0x81 81XXYY
0xA0 0xA1 A1XXYY
0xC0 0xC1 C1XXYY
239 Domain Mode 0x01 01XXYY