Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide 331

Supported features in an interoperable environment 14

Supported features in an interoperable environment

Table 72 shows the interoperability features supported in Fabric OS v6.2.0, v6.3.0, and v6.4.0.

Brocade VA-40FC Yes Yes Yes
Embedded Server Switches
3016 Yes Yes Yes
5410 Yes Yes Yes
5424 Yes Yes Yes
5450 Yes Yes Yes
5480 Yes Yes Yes
M-EOS Hardware
Mi10K Yes Yes Yes
M6140 Yes Yes Yes
M6064 Yes Yes Yes
M-EOS Switches
4300 Yes Yes Yes
4400 Yes Yes Yes
4500 Yes Yes Yes
4700 Yes Yes Yes
3032 Yes Yes Yes
3232 Yes Yes Yes
3216 Yes Yes Yes
Note: The M1620 and M2460 are no longer supported as part of a mixed fabric and there is no support for routing with these two platforms.
Also, there is no support for Qlogic blades.
1. The FC8-64 blade is only supported in Fabric OS v6.4.0.
TABLE 71 Fabric OS interoperability with M-EOS (Continued)
Fabric OS v6.2.0 Fabric OS v6.3.0 Fabric OS v6.4.0
Chassis Type Blade Type McDATA Open Fabric and
Fabric mode
McDATA Open Fabric and
Fabric mode
McDATA Open Fabric and
Fabric mode