398 Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide

Clearing end-to-end and ISL monitor counters

00 00 00 00 00
53m 4.9m 53m 4.9m 53m 4.9m 53m 4.9m 53m 0
53m 4.4m 53m 4.4m 53m 4.4m 53m 4.4m 53m 0
53m 4.8m 53m 4.8m 53m 4.8m 53m 4.8m 53m 0
53m 4.6m 53m 4.6m 53m 4.6m 53m 4.6m 53m 0
53m 5.0m 53m 5.0m 53m 5.0m 53m 5.0m 53m 0
53m 4.5m 53m 4.5m 53m 4.5m 53m 4.5m 53m 0

Example of displaying EE monitors on a port

switch:admin> perfMonitorShow --class EE 4/5
There are 7 end-to-end monitor(s) defined on port 53.
0 0x58e0f 0x1182ef TELNET 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 N/A
0 0x21300 0x21dda TELNET 0x00000004d0ba9915 0x0000000067229e65 N/A
1 0x21300 0x21ddc TELNET 0x00000004d0baa754 0x0000000067229e65 N/A
2 0x21300 0x21de0 TELNET 0x00000004d0bab3a5 0x0000000067229e87 N/A
3 0x21300 0x21de1 TELNET 0x00000004d0bac1e4 0x0000000067229e87 N/A
4 0x21300 0x21de2 TELNET 0x00000004d0bad086 0x0000000067229e87 N/A
5 0x11000 0x21fd6 WEB_TOOLS 0x00000004d0bade54 0x0000000067229e87
6 0x11000 0x21fe0 WEB_TOOLS 0x00000004d0baed41 0x0000000067229e98

Example of displaying ISL monitor information on a port

switch:admin> perfMonitorShow --class ISL 1/1
Total transmit count for this ISL: 1462326
Number of destination domains monitored: 3
Number of ports in this ISL: 2
Domain 97: 110379 Domain 98: 13965
Domain 99: 1337982

Clearing end-to-end and ISL monitor counters

You can use this procedure to clear statistics counters for end-to-end and ISL monitors.

1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.

2. Enter the perfmonitorshow command, to display the monitor numbers on a specific port.

perfmonitorshow --class monitor_class [slotnumber/]portnumber

3. Enter the perfmonitorclear command.

perfmonitorclear --class monitor_class [slotnumber/]portnumber [monitorId]

The following example clears statistics counters for an end-to-end monitor:

switch:admin> perfMonitorClear --class EE 1/2 5
End-to-End monitor number 5 counters are cleared
switch:admin> perfMonitorClear --class EE 1/2
This will clear ALL EE monitors' counters on port 2, continue?
(yes, y, no, n): [no] y

The following example clears statistics counters for an ISL monitor:

switch:admin> perfMonitorClear --class ISL 1
This will clear ISL monitor on port 1, continue? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y