Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide 187
Brocade configuration form 8

Brocade configuration form

Use the form in Table 43 as a hard copy reference for your configuration information.
In the hardware reference manuals for the Brocade 48000 director and the Brocade DCX and
DCX-4S enterprise-class platform, there is a guide for FC port setting tables. The tables can be used
to record configuration information for the various blades.
TABLE 43 Brocade configuration and connection
Brocade configuration settings
IP address
Gateway address
Chassis configuration option
Management connections
Serial cable tag
Ethernet cable tag
Configuration information
Domain ID
Switch name
Ethernet IP address
Ethernet subnet mask
Total number of local devices (nsShow)
Total number of devices in fabric (nsAllShow)
Total number of switches in the fabric (fabricShow)