282 Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide
Creating a TI zone
FIGURE 48 Logical representation of TI zones over FC routers in logical fabrics

Creating a TI zone

You create and modify TI zones using the zone command. Other zoning commands, such as
zoneCreate, aliCreate, and cfgCreate, cannot be used to manage TI zones.
When you create a TI zone, you can set the state of the zone to activated or deactivated. By default
the zone state is set to activated; however, this does not mean that the zone is activated. After you
create the TI zone, you must enable the current effective configuration to enforce the new TI zone,
which is either activated or deactivated.
Virtual Fabric considerations: Because base fabrics do not contain end devices, they normally do
not have an effective zone configuration. To activate a TI zone in a base fabric, you should create a
"dummy" configuration, as described in “Creating a TI zone in a base fabric” on page 284.
When you create a TI zone, you can enable or disable failover mode. By default, failover mode is
enabled. If you want to change the failover mode after you create the zone, see “Modifying TI
zones” on page 284.
If you are creating a TI zone with failover disabled, note the following:
Ensure that the E_Ports of the TI zone correspond to valid paths; otherwise, the route might be
missing for ports in that TI zone. You can use the topologyShow command to verify the paths.
Ensure that sufficient non-dedicated paths through the fabric exist for all devices that are not
in a TI zone; otherwise, these devices might become isolated.
See “TI zone failover” on page 268 for information about disabling failover mode.
Use the following procedure to create a TI zone. If you are creating a TI zone in a base fabric, use
the procedure described in “Creating a TI zone in a base fabric” on page 284.
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. Enter the zone --create command:
zone --create -t objtype [-o optlist] name -p "portlist"
Backbone fabric
Edge fabric
Fabric 3
Edge fabric
Fabric 1
16 SW2