English: HS3 User’s Guide, Chapter 7
Print Quality
Printouts are too dark or light.
The printouts are not solid.
Poor Transparency print quality.
The ink on printouts flakes off. Some colors might be lighter than expected.
Vertical lines are not straight.
White horizontal lines exist or the printed image is faint.
The print image does not match the printing area.
You can adjust the brightness in Custom setting of your printer driver. Refer to the printer driver HELP.
After setting the printer offline by pushing the Online Button once, execute head cleaning by pushing the Clean button while holding the Shift button.
You may also need to clean the printer interior. (Refer to “Cleaning the Printer Interior” in Chapter 6)
When you want to perform interior cleaning, WAIT 30 minutes after turning off the printer before starting the cleaning.
Use only Brother Special Transparencies for this printer.
Select the appropriate ‘Envelope and Transparency’ position of the head gap lever.
You may be using thick paper. Check the type of media in the printer driver and select the ‘Thick paper’ position of the head gap lever.
You may be using the printer out of the environment range shown in Chapter 1.
Adjust the position of the head gap lever.
After setting the printer offline by pushing the Online Button once, execute head cleaning by pushing the Clean button while holding the Shift button.
Set the Enhancement mode ON in the Quality/Color tab of your printer driver.
Select the Recommended Paper setting of the printer driver to get a wider printing area in Windows 3.1x/95/98.
You may need to adjust the margins in your software to match the printable area.