Ultimate 106 Edition 2 Issue 3 - 24.12.02 5129
Enter this code. The Ultimate 106
announces: “Extension divert is off”.
If you do not wish to receive any calls
on your extension, lift the handset:
Enter this code. The Ultimate 106
announces: “Extension do not disturb
is set”.
If the extension handset is picked up,
the dialtone will be slightly broken to
confirm “Do not disturb is set”.
Enter this code. The Ultimate 106
announces: “Extension do not disturb
is off”.
If you wish to hear the current time
from any extension:
Enter this code.

To cancel call forwarding

To set “Do not disturb”

To cancel “Do not disturb”

You can set an extension to ring at a
specific time during the next 24 hours:
Enter this code.
Enter the hours then the minutes using
the 24-hour clock to set the alarm call
time. For example, to set 8:30 am,
enter 0830.
To repeat daily.
To confirm. To sound only once.
. The voice announces
“Alarm on. 8:30am”.
When the alarm call is due, the extension
rings for 30 seconds. If answered, the
voice announces “This is your Alarm
call. The time is now 8.30am”. One
alarm call per extension (within 24 hrs).
This must be set at the extension to
which you wish the wake-up call to ring.
Enter this code at the appropriate
extension. The voice announces
“Alarm cleared”.

To set an alarm call

To cancel an alarm call

To hear a time announcement