Can my household make multiple calls the same time? Yes, your household can enjoy the freedom and flexibility of making more than one phone call at a time. For example, two calls can be being made using BT Hub Phone handsets, and a third using a phone plugged into your Hub.
And, if you’ve a videophone or BT Softphone associated with your BT Broadband Talk number, you can also use them to make simultaneous calls – that’s up to four simultaneous calls using BT Broadband Talk phones.
Please note: when there are two calls in progress on BT Hub Phone handsets, a warning Maximum handset links to the Hub in use is displayed on other BT Hub Phone handsets to let you know that you can’t make any more calls. You’ll also hear a busy tone if you press
the | button to make a call when it isn’t possible. |
When using multiple handsets, you can make internal calls between handsets or transfer a call between handsets. This function won’t work if there are two calls in progress.
Can I transfer calls between BT Broadband Talk phones? If there’s a call in progress on one Hub Phone, you can transfer that call to another Hub Phone. It isn’t possible to transfer calls between Hub Phones and the phone that’s plugged into the back of the Hub.
What can affect call quality?
Usual call quality using BT Broadband Talk should be better than on a mobile phone, but it can be affected by general congestion on the internet, or by heavy traffic on the broadband link into your home (e.g. if someone in your home is playing games online). We cannot, therefore, guarantee call quality.