BT Broadband Talk
As a BT Total Broadband customer, you can have a virtual phone line1 in the house without extra line rental. So you can enjoy inclusive Evening & Weekend calls to UK2 landlines as well as very low rates on calls abroad. You can give it to the children to use as their own line, or use it for your work calls.
You can also enjoy the freedom and flexibility of making more than one phone call at a time when using BT Broadband Talk. For example, two calls can be made using BT Hub Phone handsets, and a third using a normal phone plugged into into the phone socket on your
BT Home Hub.
You can buy extra BT Hub Phones at www.bt.com/shop
>Using the phone – see page 17
>More information – www.bt.com/setup/talk
>Help – see page 59
1BT Broadband Talk is subject to status.
broadband providers. 6p connection charge applies. Terms and conditions apply.
2Means 01, 02 and 03 numbers, excluding the Channel Islands. Other exclusions apply.