Device Configuration View
Interface Configuration Table
Physical Address
Displays the physical (MAC) address of the interface or port.
Network Address
Displays the network address of the interface or port.
Interface Configuration Table
This table within the Device Configuration view provides the following configuration information about the device’s interfaces or ports:
Displays the index number for a given interface or port.
Displays a brief description of the device.
Displays the type of hardware interface for the port. See the Administration documentation for a full list of possible interface types.
Displays the interface bandwidth in bits per second. For interfaces that do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this will be the nominal bandwidth.
Physical Address
Displays the physical (MAC) address of the interface or port.
Operation Status
Displays the current operational state of this port. Possible values are On, Off, and Testing.
Admin Status
Displays the current operational state of this port. Possible values are On, Off, and Testing.
Last Change
Display the date and time of the last change to the port’s status.
Queue Length
Displays the length of the queue.
Packet Size
Displays the size of packets moving through this port.
9032295 E2 | Configuration Views |