Chapter 8 Using the Memory Features 8-1
Using the
Memory Features
LASER CLASS 3170 Series.
Chapter 8Using the Memory Features
This chapter shows you how to use the memory features of the fax unit.
Some operations require that a document resides in the memory before it
is sent. For example, if you scan a document and set the timer, it will wait
in the memory until it is time for the fax to send the document.
If you scan a document for polling sending, the document will wait in
the memory until it is requested for sending by a polling request from
another fax. While such documents are residing in memory, you can
view their transaction numbers, list them in a printout, delete them
before they are sent, or re-route them to another destination.
When the Fax Displays RECEIVED IN MEMORY.............................. 8-2
Displaying the Transaction History....................................................... 8-3
Printing a Memory List............................................................................ 8-5
Printing a Document in the Memory..................................................... 8-6
Sending a Document in Memory to a Different Destination.............. 8-7
Erasing a Document from the Memory................................................. 8-9
Deleting a Document with the Delete File Button.......................... 8-9
Deleting a Document with the Memory Reference Button......... 8-10
Setting Up and Using a Memory Box ...................................................8-11
Before You Create Memory Boxes................................................... 8-12
When You Create a Memory Box.................................................... 8-12
•Creating a Memory Box.................................................................... 8-14
Changing the Memory Box Settings............................................... 8-22
Canceling a Memory Box................................................................. 8-23
Sending a Document Stored in the Memory Box ......................... 8-24
•Printing a Document Received in a Memory Box........................ 8-25
What Happens to Memory after a Power Failure.............................. 8-27
How Your Registered Data Is Protected........................................ 8-27
About the Backup Battery................................................................ 8-27