G-16 Glossary
LASER CLASS 3170 Series.
TX password
The ITU-T password set on your fax that accompanies the document you
send and must match the RX password on the fax where it is received. If
your TX password matches the RX password of the other party’s fax, the
document is received. If the passwords do not match, the document is
not received. The maximum length of the password is 20 digits and may
consist of numbers, spaces, asterisk (*), and pound mark (#).
Stands for ultra high quality image. Allows you to send documents that
are very close to the quality of the original.
Ultra Fine
This button increases the clarity of documents you send. The lamp shows
you the current setting. It is eight times the Standard resolution.
Urgent document
Use direct sending to send an urgent document ahead of documents in
the memory waiting to be sent. Just feed the urgent document into the
facsimile and dial, and press Direct TX. As soon as the facsimile finishes
sending the current document from the memory, it will send the urgent
document. See also direct sending.