On-screen Messages
Waste tank full To resume printing, press the BJ printer’s Reset button. Have the
waste ink tank replaced by your dealer or service center (see the list
that came with the BJ printer) at your earliest convenience.
Printer error Turn off the printer and turn it back on. If the error is still displayed,
consult your nearest BJ printer service center (see the service center
list in the printer’s manual).
Communication error An error occurred during communications. Turn off the printer and turn
it back on and start printing again.
Readjust trimming The style does not match the trimming that was set.
Cannot print! The image was captured by another camera or in an incompatible
format. Or the image has been edited with a personal computer.
Could not print **
The image was captured by another camera or it has been edited with
a personal computer and printing was attempted according to the
DPOF setting for ** prints.
** images remaining Since the printing with the DPOF setting was interrupted, ** prints still
remain to be printed.
Cannot trim The image was captured by another camera or in an incompatible
format. Or the image has been edited with a personal computer. Such
images cannot be trimmed.
Battery level is too
Direct printing was not possible, because the camera battery level is
too low.