information Displayed on the Screen
Summary of Movie Control Panel in "Viewing Movies" (p. 31)
:_ Exit
_1_ Slow motion playback (You can use the 4 _ buttons to adjust the speed. Sound will not play back.)
skip bac_ard _ iConiinues io skip Backward i{you hoid down ihe 0 bution )
_ll Pieviousiiame(Rewinaifyouhotddownihe@ bGtion:i
i1_ Nextiiame(Fastfo_aiaiiyouhoiadownthe@ bGtion:)
I1_ Skip forward* (Continues to skip forward if you hold down the _ button.) Edit (p. 114)
r_ Appears when connected to a PictSridge compliant printer (p. 152). * Displays the frame approx. 4 sec. before or after the current frame.