When PPhhoottoo OOppttiimmiizzeerr PPRROOis
checked, the AAppppllyy
TThhrroouugghhoouutt PPaaggeeoption
becomesactive. If this box is
left unchecked, the S300 will
optimize each image
individually. Ifchecked, all
imageswill be automatically
corrected with the same
5. When done, clickOOKK.
CChhaannggiinngg tthhee PPaaggee SSeettuupp
You can change how the image isprinted without affecting the original image

TToo cchhaannggee ppaaggee sseettuupp iinn WWiinnddoowwss::

1. From an application FFiilleemenu, select PPrriinntt.
2. With CCaannoonn SS330000as the selected printer, clickPPrrooppeerrttiieess.
3. Clickthe PPaaggee SSeettuupptab.
4. From thistab, you can change the following options:
PPaaggee SSiizzeeDefaults to the page size set in the original document, but can
be changed.
OOrriieennttaattiioonnLetsyou select
either portrait or landscape
PPrriinntteerr PPaappeerr SSiizzeeThe page
size used bythe printer. This
defaultsto match the page
size. However, a different
printer paper size can be
selected if a Printing Type
other than normalis selected
(see below).
Advanced Print Features


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