5-4 IP Router - Release 1.8
Profile Directory:Remote Profile
Remote (WAN) Profile
Remote (WAN) ProfileThe fields on the Remote (WAN) Profile Setup window allow you to define how and
when data transmission will occur with a specific remote device. This includes defining
the protocol(s) that it will use to send and receive data, defining security information,
static networks and WAN lines. The Local Unit will depend on this information to
determine communication guidelines with remote sites.
The Remote (WAN) profile can support up to 24 remote profiles.
The Remote (WAN) profile complements the Loca l (LAN) profile. The remote profiles
identify which remote devices the local unit can communicate with by defining the data
transmission requirements of each remot e device. The local profile defines the loca l
unit’s transmission requirements and may appear as a remote profile in each remote
unit’s profile directory. It is important to understand that the information contained in
the remote profile determines how the local an d remote units establish communica tion.
1. Select Configuration <Profile Directory> from the Main Menu, press
2. Select WAN <Setup -> on the RemoteUnit line and press [ENTER].