IP Router - Release 1.8 6-11
Basic Configuration
Remote Unit Profile
Does this unit have a numbered IP address assigned on the WAN?
Selection is: <Yes>, <No>. If <Yes> is selected IP Address and Subnet Mask below are listed.
IP Address
Enter the IP Address of the Remote Unit.
Subnet Mask
Enter the Subnet Mask of the above IP Address.
Select WAN Port Number
Selection is: <None>, <1> through <24> (all existing WAN ports are listed).
Displays the connection information for the selected WAN in the form {slot:port:channel}.
WAN Connection Type
Displays the WAN connection type (PPP, Frame Relay 1490 or PPP in Frame Relay).
Enter the Data Link Connection Identifier. Range is between 16-1022.
Note: This field is not available with a WAN that has PPP set as it’s connection type.