IP Router - Release 1.8 5-29
Profile Directory:Remote Profile
Firewall Filters
Firewall Filters
A firewall is a method for keeping a network secure from intruders, by using filters to
block the transmission of certain types of (service) traffic. Once created, firewalls are
a security feature that allows only certain types of services to pass in and/or out of your
LAN. Firewalls can be created on a per remote basis. Each filter consists of a set of
drop/pass rules which are applied in the order in which they appear on the list — in
other words, rule 1 is applied before rule 2 and so on. This set of rules constitutes a filter
for a specific remote profile and will be ap plied to that profile’s incoming or out going,
or both traffic types (service flaws).
# Rule Number
! Pass (no ! (blank) indicates Drop)
Services(s) Lists current service defined
LAN Device(s) Lists LAN defined for this rule (* indicates any)
==> Outgoing
<== Incoming
<== ==> Outgoing and incoming
WAN Device(s) Lists WAN defined for this rule (* indicates any)
Log X = Logged in the Event or Alarm log